Plugging “The Enchanted Toasting Fork

Some recent converts to blog reading might not yet have stumbled across the delights of Gummo Trotsky’s blog “Tugboat Potemkin”. Gummo took a long break from blogging not so long ago (a dark blogging night of the soul not unlike my own), but is well and truly back and blogging up a storm of quirky posts. Check out Offensive to Buddhists or How the Irish Tried to Buy Law from Edward I.

But most of all, read Gummo’s serial fairy tale “The Enchanted Toasting Fork” (to which Catherine Bateson has also contributed – it’s not only a serial fairytale for our times, but also a two-handed one). Here are the links to episode 1, episode 2, episode 3 and episode 4. As you’ll see, things currently aren’t looking too good for the newly-celebrated (but still unconsummated) marriage of Claudio and Cossima. Now read on.

Meanwhile – this post/diary note of the first two hours of a typical day in the life of mother, author and former Troppo blogger Wendy James makes me feel simultaneously tired, lazy and inadequate. Now Jen, resist the temptation for a smartarse comment.

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2025 years ago

Makes me feel that way too, Ken.

And – if such an impossible person exists (outside the author’s fevered imagination), feel quite certain that I wouldn’t like her one little bit!

Time for the War of the Worlds Version, methinks!

Ken Parish
Ken Parish
2025 years ago

Please don’t puncture my faith in your supermum capabilities. Maybe you should do the Thomas Hardy version, or Agatha Christie or some other famously disciplined writerly type. I’m seriously trying to psyche myself into getting up early each morning to do exercise and lose a rapidly growing middle age paunch that Jen bags me about unmercifully if justly. That time of morning is probably the most feasible time for it. And more often than not I DO wake up around 6am. But I happily keep dozing until around 7, and years of getting rudely dragged out of bed at 5am and thrown into a cold swimming pool for squad training as a kid gives the whole thing negative connotations that are quite hard to overcome. Then again, maybe I’m just slack and self-indulgent. In fact that’s certainly what I am until I whip myself into determined action after long periods of indecision and vacillation. So I’ll keep believing that you get up at 4.30 every morning, thank you very much.

Gummo Trotsky
2025 years ago

Ta for the plugs Ken. Glad to see I’m not the only one who liked that “Offensive to Buddhists” post. Ah well, back to episode 5.