Bloggers, beer, bouncers & berets — Grogblogging in Sydney


In case you missed it, bloggers from around Australia met up on Saturday night for Grogblogging III. And yes, they’re just as opinionated in person as they are on screen.

Flashman from Electron Soup was chatting with Jozef Imrich of Media Dragon when I arrived. Pretty soon we were joined by Antony Carr — guest blogger at Evil Pundit, Club Troppo‘s Nicholas Gruen and Stephen Hill, Agent FareEvader, Glen Fuller (Disambiguation Blog), Suki of Suki has an Opinion, and Tim Blair’s nemesis, Tim Lambert of Deltoid.

Catallaxy‘s Jason Soon arrived early but was turned away by the RSL’s bouncer — no photo ID, no entry. I’m told that Jason’s response was the highlight of the evening and I’m sorry I missed it. Fortunately Jason doesn’t live far away and was able to go home for his passport.

LP‘s Mark Bahnisch was there, along with Naomi. Liam Hogan from arrived complete with his trademark beret (but RSL rules prevented him from wearing it). Andrew Bartlett also came along and was as engaging in person as he is online.

As you’d expect there was plenty of spirited discussion. Nicholas denounced Jason’s attempt to evade metaphysics, Antony copped a half hour long pasting for his evil neoliberal opinions, C8to explained how car seat belts are a violation of personal liberty, and Mark’s cunning Socratic diatribe exposed the fact that I’m dangerously right wing.

I’ve missed a few people, so feel free to fill in the blanks in the comment box.

See over the fold for some photos.


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Mark Bahnisch
18 years ago

Other LPers present were and Phil, Shawn (and partners),

I very much enjoyed the Socratic diatribe, Don! I hope I didn’t go over the top – and incidentally it was extremely useful in thinking through some ideas for the article I mentioned.

Great to meet you and everyone else!


[…] Tim Lambert has put up some pictures from Saturday night’s Grogblogging here. Don Arthur has a short post on it here. […]

Don Arthur
Don Arthur
18 years ago

Mark – yes, the Socratic diatribe was fun. Maybe we can do it again sometime.

Tim – Nice photos. Maybe I’ll tack some of mine onto the end of this post.

Nicholas Gruen
18 years ago

Sorry to have missed the Socratic diatribe – though isn’t that a bit of a contradiction in terms?

Mark Bahnisch
18 years ago

I think the Socratic inquisition method came first, followed by the diatribe!

Don Arthur
Don Arthur
18 years ago

Nicholas – A contradiction in terms? Maybe. I guess it depends how literal you are with the term ‘diatribe’. Mark was trying to wear me down with questions. I was being uncooperative.

18 years ago

No need to explain, Don. You weren’t trying to keep it Platonic, weren’t you?

Personally, I’m not at all surprised that Jason got heavied by the bouncers. He looks all of 16 in those photos, the bastard. Now I understand the erstwhile Libertarian’s ambivalence about national ID cards!

18 years ago

“You *WERE* trying to keep it Platonic…” Sheesh.

Jason Soon
18 years ago

I didn’t realise Liam was *that* short ;-)

18 years ago

Indeed, Jason, nor did I. The photo suggests a weblog version of Hey Hey it’s Saturday.
That’s me, the blogosphere’s Dicky Knee, and I assume Naomi would happily take on the role of Jacqui McDonald. But who’s Ozzy Ostrich? Who’s Daryl? Who’s Plucka Duck?

Nicholas Gruen
18 years ago


Well the photographer did what he could. After all you were the only one standing!

18 years ago

I’ve finally made it! I’m a BANNER IMAGE!

Jozef Imrich
18 years ago

In the wisecracking words of comedian Jay Leno, [blogging] is just show business for ugly people ;-P

Some bloggers are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested … amazing even at 2 am the night seemed still rather young and digestable!

18 years ago

I popped in for a spell but as with all the past grogblogging events, again encountered a far, far too noisy environment to engage in much conversation. Can’t we find someplace quieter?

Mark Bahnisch
18 years ago

Nabs said in Melbourne, folks go out for dinner first – that might be a good alternative!


[…] After returning home for citizenship ceremonies on Australia Day and then a day at home and in the office, it’s pretty much full swing again now. I was in Sydney on Saturday and, among other things, popped along to a gathering of bloggers in the not-so-tasteful environment of the City RSL. Sunday morning I flew to Melbourne to meet with the family in the case of another service person who had far from ideal assistance from the Defence Force and Vet Affairs following his injury. […]

18 years ago

Bugger, missed it. Did not get back from the south coast in time. next time.