I realise this is not core Troppo business, and perhaps better put as a question to Dr Troppo, but I was running along the Port Melbourne beach, as is my wont when I saw some filming going on. I jogged around the line of vision so I wouldn’t be a nuisance and the director of the shoot thanked me so I asked what it was all for – assuming it was an ad.
Well it was an ad, but it’s also called a video. It was of Ricki Lee’s third single. Now gentle Troppodillians may not know who Rikki Lee is, but she was one of the stars of one of the (I think) second series of Australian Idol a show which I have written about here.
Filming went on all day – from around 8 am to 8 pm and this is reflected in the final product. I was glad it took so long because my kids (both late after after school activities) were able to get a peek at the filming which was a thrill for them. Ricki Lee emerged exhausted from her days work and was extremely nice to Anna and Alexander, though she needn’t have been. I asked her how she was enjoying life. She said “what do you reckon?”. She’s having a ball.
I went up to an old couple who were hanging around and asked if they were Ricki’s grandparents or something or whether they were doing a bit of fogue work for the camera. They were parents of the producer and – yes they do a nice bit of fogue work towards the end of the video.
Anyway, the video can be watched in various places on the net including here. All those columns and beams in empty space are on the outside of the (nearly unused) Port Melbourne dunnies and changing rooms.
One thing to look out for is stuff that it seems was stuck onto the columns so it could blow around as Ricki Lee sang. If you look carefully you can see it seems to blow around in slow motion. How do you think they did that?
- photopress:Ricki lee_1.jpg,thumb,pp_empty[↩]
I think the whole shot is in slow motion – she probably lip-synched to a speeded-up version of the song while they were shooting so that when they slowed it down the lyrics were more-or-less in time. Unless it’s done digitally, but that sounds like a harder way to me.