In view of Tim Blair’s exhaustively exemplary coverage of recent ALP in-fighting, I’m waiting with bated breath for TB’s equally thorough run-down on the current wave of Liberal Party feuding in 3 separate states. I’m sure he’ll be posting the first instalment any moment now. Won’t he?
Ken, Ken. Who, pray would be interested in the doings of a bunch of political fringe dwellers, the antics of whom bear an uncanny resemblance to a particularly dysfunctional Rotary Club committee in a minor regional centre – except for being much less important in the overall scheme of things?
The Victorian pre-selection brought us colour, movement, heat and passion of national significance. Flashing knives, fratricidal fall-out, Australian Story, Bill Ludwig and a diminutive, Machiavellian factional baron once caught leaving the mensroom without washing his hands. Gilly is the Maria Callas of Australian politics – with a Reservoir accent. The state Libs everywhere are cardiganned insurance clerks in comparison. Who cares?
My own state’s Liberal Party is led by a shrilly unconvincing ex Naval officer who probably wears a cravat and who apparently takes his instructions from a Dark Figure Of The Right, in the Legislative Council – with a comb-over. The Premier presides over a government of stupendous incompetence but short of him performing a nude, fan dancing double-act with Joe Tripodi in the Legislative Assembly, I can’t see anyone voting for the Libs here next year except Bronwyn Bishop
I think Tim will mention this topic around the next time he covers the AWB scandal, or perhaps in tandem with a snarky post about the recent freezing of hell and the associated disproof of global warming.
You’ll get about as much coverage of, say, the Victorian liberal squabble as you will of the AWB fiasco. There is no point calling for impartiality from Tim Blair.
Oh, I just read the second comment – someone has already beaten me to the punch.
I’m amazed that people expect right-wing bloggers to behave otherwise than as right-wing bloggers. Maybe things will change when John Quiggin starts writing pro-John Howard posts or when LP features a post proclaiming the virtues of the free market. Or when Jason Soon stops promoting ratbags like the Greens and the Australian Democrats (or the American Democrats) for that matter.
I’m amazed that some people struggle to spot irony
whyisitso, you’ll find plenty of comment from me on the problems of the Labor party and even occasional praise for and agreement with Howard. And I’ve regularly posted on the virtues of the free market, as well as its defects.
You’ll struggle to find anything comparable, not only from Blair, but from any of those listed under “RWDB” on the blogroll.
I’ve once shared a lift, Geoff, with our ex-Navy Leader of the Opposition.
I can confirm that he’s just as shiny as he appears on television, that he’s a bit shorter than I am (which is not too tall at all), and that he did indeed get out of the lift on one of the Upper House office floors. I think he’s arranging the installation of a Tannoy to his office, to receive fire orders from the bridge when you-know-who has the conn.
I also believe that if you really want to see Joe Tripodi fan-dance, the price is negotiable, all correspondence to ALP HQ, PO Box K408 Sydney 2000, cheques, cash, no-bid construction contracts accepted.
If you try him after about 6.30pm you can save him putting back on his pants.