Is now the time to confess that my moniker, saint in a straitjacket, has something to do with this sort of activity at school?
derrida derider
18 years ago
The one about limits though shows that the student had a fine grasp of induction, but.
18 years ago
It’s not the whole reason but, buried in these examples, is part of why I gave teaching away. I had these or similar answers given to tests that I set. I new the faces of the holders of the pencils and their personalities. They were much too bright and capable for me to strike them down with a cross or a zero. It takes wit, imagination and frustration to give answers like these. I was never able to bridge the gap between my role as a teacher to build my students up and my role as a judge to put them in their box.
18 years ago
Actually. my first thought upon seeing the the last one, was that the “solution”, but of course not the equation , reminded me of the related rates question in my Maths II exam in Matric. From the examiner’s notes, I think, no one in the State solved it. Pointless question then really….
Is now the time to confess that my moniker, saint in a straitjacket, has something to do with this sort of activity at school?
The one about limits though shows that the student had a fine grasp of induction, but.
It’s not the whole reason but, buried in these examples, is part of why I gave teaching away. I had these or similar answers given to tests that I set. I new the faces of the holders of the pencils and their personalities. They were much too bright and capable for me to strike them down with a cross or a zero. It takes wit, imagination and frustration to give answers like these. I was never able to bridge the gap between my role as a teacher to build my students up and my role as a judge to put them in their box.
Actually. my first thought upon seeing the the last one, was that the “solution”, but of course not the equation , reminded me of the related rates question in my Maths II exam in Matric. From the examiner’s notes, I think, no one in the State solved it. Pointless question then really….