Uncategorised The Stoush in the South Rex Ringschott September 28, 2006 There is nothing, I'm sure you'd agree, more fascinating, more delightful to observe, or more satisfying to the soul, than to see two grown men...
Philosophy Ian Jarvie on Popper’s “social turn” Tony Harris September 28, 2006September 29, 2006 It is generally accepted that Popper did not give a thorough account of the way that science actually works, and that is supposed to indicate...
Economics and public policy Uncategorised Globalisation – what happens next and what will it mean? Nicholas Gruen September 28, 2006September 29, 2006 I've been doing some (fairly idle) thinking but not much reading about globalisation and the extent to which large amounts of 'offshoring' of labour will...
Humour A cartoon featuring trainee vampires Wicking September 28, 2006 [photopress:vampire.jpg,full,pp_empty]