Topalov 2 v Kramnik 3

Chess players are nothing if not temperamental.   The story so far – at least as I could be bothered learning about it is that:

  1. Topalov’s camp protested about the frequency with which Kramnik was going to the toilet(!)
  2. The officials seem to have required Kramnik and Topalov to use the same toilet.
  3. They locked Kramnik’s private dunny.
  4. Kramnik wasn’t happy about that and refused to play until they’d unlocked it.
  5. After his clock had run down by an hour he forfeited the game. With the white pieces too!   So there you go.

Who knows what will happen when the next game is scheduled tomorrow.

I wouldn’t fancy any of the players in the Australian weekend finals chances if they refused to play until their private toilet was unlocked.

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Jason Soon
18 years ago

according to this

“After each move Mr. Kramnik immediately heads to the rest room and from it directly to the bathroom. During every game he visited the relaxation room 25 times at the average and the bathroom more than 50 times

18 years ago


Tony Harris
18 years ago

Nicholas, are you prepared to do the chess column on a new all sports blog that Shaun is setting up?

Tony Harris
18 years ago

Good story! How much money did Villi lose!