A tale of two pollies

Luxury Carr.jpg

Crikey alerts us to this story in the Daily Telegraph.

BOB Carr has embarrassed his former State Government colleagues by racking up a new record of $438,683 for expenses billed by a retired premier.

The huge cost to NSW taxpayers of keeping Mr Carr in his first year of retirement includes a $4287 bill for unspecified “books and periodicals”.

Nevertheless, this morning his successor Morris Iemma defended the spree.

The bills were incurred while Mr Carr took on a controversial new job as an adviser with Macquarie Bank, an appointment rumoured to be worth $500,000 a year.

The itemised costs do not include his indexed pension, rumoured to be about $130,000 a year.

Then there’s another ex-ALP Leader in NSW – who was markedly less successful.

The standout exception is Barrie Unsworth, who costs taxpayers not one cent and chooses to use public transport at his own expense. . .

It is understood Mr Unsworth has made a principled decision not to submit claims despite his eligibility to do so.

A spokesman for Mr Iemma confirmed that Mr Unsworth did not lodge any claims, even refusing a vehicle.

“As far as I know, he lives on the Northern Beaches and catches Forest Coachlines to work with other commuters,” the spokesman said.

“I think he’s just an all-round good bloke and does not want to charge anything to taxpayers.”

Mr Unsworth’s jobs in retirement include chairman of State Transit.

John Fahey is also a low cost former premier.

His bills in 2005-06 came to just $27,912.

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Francis X Holden
18 years ago

If Bob Carr is only spending around $80 a week on books and periodicals he’s not up to much. I thought he was NSW’s “reader”

Geoff Honnor
Geoff Honnor
18 years ago

They also report that the extremely wealthy Nick Greiner lodged claims of $393,183 and the equally cashed-up Neville Wran, $367,994.

I think Unsworth is a masochist, albeit a rather dull one. If the state government
“acknowledged” my service by sticking me on the Railcorp Board, I’d be hanging out for a cabcharge at least.

Bring Back the Curr
Bring Back the Curr
18 years ago

they should ONLY get these perks IF they have retired.
They should not get anything if they are working!

18 years ago

Carr was a really unattractive type in the end wasn’t he – look what a bucket of poo he made of NSW, and accepting that Macquarie position was atrocious.