Wednesday’s Missing Link


What I should be avoiding at Christmas (but won’t)

It’s getting increasingly difficult to compile Missing Link, what with so many bloggers announcing a Christmas hiatus.   And it’s been even harder this morning, because Google’s Blogger service seems to have been playing up, making Blogger-powered   blogs very slow to open.  

I’m going to be flat out over the next couple of days  with the self-imposed task of compiling the Best Blog Posts 2006 feature.   So consider this the last Missing Link for the year.   We will resume normal(ish) service straight after New Year.   In the meantime, have a wonderful break and don’t eat too much.   Jen’s mumbling about diets, and I’m psyching myself for abstinence starting Boxing Day.

Meanwhile, there’s been an inexplicable outbreak of Iraq posts over the last day or two, and a much more understandable rash of Christmas posts, to such an extent that I’ve been forced to create a special “once only” section titled “A Very Bloggy Christmas”.   Several prominent bloggers  seem to be  making a late rush to impress the judges and get a guernsey in the Best Blog Posts 2006 feature, by writing superb posts with a Christmas theme.   Will they succeed?   We’ll see.

Anyway, on with the show.


News and politics stuff

Iraq blogging frenzy

 Tasmanian forests

  • Anonymous Lefty reckons Heavy Kevy is a sellout and a pale imitation of John Howard, while Sarah argues that Kevy is just doing what it takes to win seats in a State full of inbred hicks.

Another Landeryou scoop?


Other news stuff

From early last century every employed Aboriginal in Queensland was contracted by the government for 51 weeks out of 52, with or without his or her family.   To refuse such separation could result in beatings or banishment, usually to Palm Island.   Some never saw or heard from families again.   On the backs of this workforce of between 4000 and 5000 men, women and children, the Queensland pastoral industry developed and prospered.   Surveys showed that Aboriginal workers were often regarded as more skilled than whites, but an agreement struck in 1919 between government and pastoralists set Aboriginal pay at 66% the white rate for the next 50 years.

But the reality was even worse, because records show that workers actually received as little as 31% in 1949 and 59% in 1956.  …

  • Kids for success – Tim Dunlop blogs on early childhood intervention to improve parenting and education as a critically important way of addressing inequality of opportunity.   Tim highlights MSM articles by Andrew Leigh and troppo colleague Nicholas Gruen (both of which I confess I  missed when first published).   Well worth reading.
  • Be ye Landed? Or Be ye Serf? – Guy from Polemica posts approvingly  on a neo-Georgist  suggestion for a national land tax to replace GST etc.   Paul Watson points out that there are one or two constitutional, political and practical problems with the idea, but trots out his own pet tax reform scheme.
  • How the first space war begins – Darryl Mason

In less than 25 years, by the time commercial, corporate and military space flights become everyday reality, plans are underway to ensure that the United States will have military bases on the moon and a vast array of mega-weapons in orbit around the Earth. …

  • Reviewing the Stern Report, Again – John Quiggin analyses in detail the assumptions (discount rates) etc underpinning the recent Stern Report on the cost of combatting global warming now  versus later.   One for the boffins.
  • The Episcopal split – “Human Behaviour” posts on a looming split within the Episcopalian (Anglican) Church in the US, the focus of which is attitudes towards gayness.   Lucky they’ve got their priorities straight and aren’t troubling themselves too much about unimportant issues like war, poverty and injustice (well, except by perpetuating the latter).
  • Poor Little Rich State – Peter Martin reports on economic affairs in the parallel universe of the ACT.


A very Bloggy Christmas


Mad Bad Sad and Glad


Conspicuous philanthropy (Via David Tiley)

I can tentatively announce today that the ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation and the Queensland University of Technology is planning to hold an Australian Blogging Conference on Thursday 8 March 2007 in Brisbane.

  • I feel your pain – David Tiley on the philanthropy of Nicole Kidman
  • Harry Potter and the Ashes Nightmare – Daily Flute manages the rare feat of paying out simultaneously on the English cricket team and JK Rowling.  
  • Card counting – Steve Edney discourses learnedly on card counting to beat the house at blackjack, before observing that  continuous automatic shuffling has made it impossible  anyway nowadays, at least at Melbourne’s Crown Sydney’s Star City Casino.
  • The Hage-Ali affairMark Bahnisch reheats a Crikey article asserting a Murdoch conspiracy to set up prominent young Muslim (who apparently isn’t actually a Muslim at all) for the dump.   JF Beck highlights the Daily Tele’s reply where its editor swears innocence.
  • I give up – Sam ‘Yobbo’ Ward

… Exposing yourself to extreme intoxication is the whole point of free drinks. As for wearing a bikini exposing you to sexual assault, didn’t we try to deport some dude for saying the exact same thing a few months back? …

So anyway … Happy Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year from all at Club Troppo. (This doesn’t mean we’ve stopped blogging for the year by any means, just the Missing Link feature).


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Steve Edney
Steve Edney
18 years ago

Just with reference to my post its Star City in Sydney that I mentioned. Don’t know what the situation is in Melbourne.

Geoff Honnor
Geoff Honnor
18 years ago

What’s with blogging Xmas breaks? I thought we were the borderless, unconstrained, cutting edge, 24/7 medium.

Turns out we’re working more along the lines of the Department of Mines (Newcastle Regional Office) circa 1959 – or the ABC 2006.

18 years ago

Isn’t it Happy Holidays, not Happy Christmas?

18 years ago

Geoff, you’re saying that like it’s a bad thing…

Thanks once again Ken, too.