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Fiasco da Gama
Fiasco da Gama
17 years ago

It’s Kilcullen, Rex. Yes, he’s optimistic, and he’s right that ‘surge’ strategy can’t be measured simply by dividing successes by time elapsed. He’s also correct that population centres are immovable, in the sense that military units and insurgents are able to move to avoid fighting. This doesn’t entirely work in the favour of the Coalition and the Iraqi Government, though.
I tend to share the view of John Robb, though, in that ‘clearing and holding’ is not a viable strategy in a country that has complicated networks and a modern, though destroyed, economy.

17 years ago

And we have to bear in mind why they need to succeed

17 years ago

Fixed now Fiasco thanks. – It’s all those ls and ks that keep on throwing me.

This doesnt entirely work in the favour of the Coalition and the Iraqi Government, though.

I don’t think there’s been anything much working in their favour to date. It seems it’s more a case of one last try really. btw Your URL to John Robb doesn’t work.

Fiasco da Gama
Fiasco da Gama
17 years ago

The link will work this time. It is vital that it does so. The next six months will be crucial.

Bill Posters
Bill Posters
17 years ago

Reading this you cant help thinking that maybe – finally- theyve got the right people on the job.

Doesn’t matter how good they are if it’s the wrong job.

17 years ago

Yes, agree Mr. Posters. It was always the wrong job.