Missing Link – Dr Haneef Edition

haneefscrum.gifWell, Mohammed Haneef and the Bail Dance… or not, as the case may be. It certainly got Ozblogistan going in a big way, with lots of lively commentary and legal input. For my money, bloggers really showed where they can do a much better job than the MSM, simply by being able to draw on a greater pool of expertise.

Particularly noteworthy was Austrolabe’s effort, although also good was LawFont’s piece, along with Bannerman’s.

There was also a particularly lively discussion here at Troppo, which paralleled another discussion at Larvatus Prodeo and Ambit Gambit. Much of the commentary at various sites riffed off a piece by Harry Clarke; many disagreed with Harry but his perspective is all the better for being considered.

The (far alternative) view is put by Vest at the Daily Gaggle. Slim is also pissed off. So are the mob at A Western Heart. ((For very different reasons, I might add.~SL))

This edition of Missing Link brought to you by Amanda Rose, James Farrell and Legal Eagle, with Helen ‘skepticlawyer’ Dale editing through copious quantities of tissues. The graphic for this issue comes via Sarah at the Voice of Today’s Apathetic Youth, and shows Mohammed Haneef’s better half facing down an almighty media scrum.

UPDATE: Missing Linker Amanda is hosting an archaeology and anthropology blog carnival at her place. Go check it out.

1. News and Politics Stuff

Empathic Jeremy as usual can see it from the point of view of the Poor Old Government:

It’s just so infuriating. How dare a court independently let him out after we made it quite clear we wanted to look Tough On Terror by locking the Muslim bloke up?

Apathetic Sarah no doubt captures the sentiments of many:

It would be nice if Labor weren’t such cowards on this issue and provided some real opposition. They’re giving me more and more reasons to vote Green at the next election.

Andrew Bartlett and Tim Dunlop have both been following the case. Shaun Cronin focuses on the consequences of undermining civil liberties, and Ken Lovell considers the ‘evidence’ against Dr Haneef. Marcellous (here and here) and Legal Eagle (here) look at some of the legal aspects of the case.

While the lawyers were considering Haneef, HeathG at Catallaxy covered their more typical territory – internet video piracy.

The housing debate continues, with John Quiggin contending that a steepening location-price gradient indicates that rising demand is the main cause of rising property prices, at least in the case of Sydney. The Poll Bludger has more on the same point.

With some help from Juan Cole, Eric Martin demonstrates the absurdity of the proposition that the US is fighting al Qaeda in Iraq. Given reports that the organisation is flourishing just about everywhere else, Shaun Cronin wonders if our Foreign Minister will ever grasp the fact that Iraq is not the most efficient place to be fighting them.

Mark Bahnisch has done a roundup of the latest blogging on the indigenous problem and the Federal Government’s emergency package.

Gummo takes on the defenders of Swindle.

Jim Belshaw and Gary Sauer-Thompson both have posts on Noel Pearson’s plans for Cape York.

Stan Zemanek has been treated rather reverentially since his death (a staple of Australian politics – vilify people while they live, but then sing their praises as the funeral bier passes by). Andrew Elder – without ever descending into vilification – considers Zemanek in the round.

2. Life and Other Serious Stuff

Your Festival of Ideas correspondent, Pavlov’s Cat, reports on a session with Morrow, Firth and Wheen, whose chairing by Phillip Adams was the highlight.

Tim Lambert defends himself against Jason Soon’s argument (in the context of John Lott’s theory connecting government spending and female suffrage) that he (Tim) mistakes positive propositions for normative ones. Lott himself enters the fray at Catallaxy.

tigtog investigates contemporary attitudes to anal sex.

By the device of a quiz, Lauredhel elegantly shows when race is and is not an issue in the reporting of sexual abuse.

Chris Fryer has some sobering advice about polio immunisations after an infected passenger travelled on a Thai Airways flight.

Junk for Code feels glum after comparing Australian broadband performance with that of the rest of the world.

3. The Yartz

tigtog was delighted by Geoffrey Rush in Ionesco’s Exit The King.

The Triple Inchophone is one of the most sought after collectibles in the dog eat dog world of cool indie-cred.

Prima la musica finds a new Opera Australia production dull, but redeemed by the music.

18th Century Kyushu medical books are very beautiful and extremely creepy.

Too many appreciations of Some Like It Hot are barely enough. Not everyone loves Elvis films though.

Take A Stitch Tuesday is a crafty blog carnival. This week, the hidden delights of the Arrowhead stitch.

Richard Watts has an interesting review of the Malthouse Theatre Company’s production of Sleeping Beauty.

4. T.S.S

(troppo sports stadium)

Gam takes aim at the ‘perfumed princes’ of the Socceroos in the aftermath of the Iraq debacle, and names his preferred line-up (with no Viduka or Kewell in sight). Ken Lovell, on the other hand, is glad that soccer is back to normal (ie, internecine warfare within the team).

Phil Gomes has a great piece on a disabled athlete who can out-run the able-bodied, and wants a spot at the Olympic Games (yes, you read that right; he’s already won everything at the Paralympics).

Don Quixote sees something suspicious in the deceptively calm-looking sport of lawn bowls.

Several NRL players are trying to do the right thing, and are trekking Kokoda to raise money for White Ribbon Day. Shaun at Sidelined has more.

5. Mad, Bad, Sad and Glad

Ken Lovell sees that Warwick Capper (ex AFL player famous for the oh-so-tight-shorts) is going to run for Mayor of the Gold Coast. We all thank Ken for the light relief in this era of very serious politics. Meanwhile, at Polemica, Guy considers the serious side of things with regard to British comedian Boris Johnson’s proposal to run as a Tory candidate for the London Mayoral elections.

Ariel has a genuinely creepy story about boy posturing around her place. As they say, go read.

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17 years ago

I do not generally link whore myself around the ‘sphere and I already plugged it univited at LP, however … Four Stone Hearth is a blog carnival of recent posts relating to archaeology and anthropology and this bi-week I am hosting it.

Just FYI ;-)

17 years ago

I’ll pop in a link, Amanda – that sounds interesting.

17 years ago

Bonzer. Ta.