Thank God you’re here is a lot of fun. Here’s the best effort I’ve seen. From Shaun Micallef a truly funny and very silly fellow. In the (likely) event that WordPress won’t properly embed the screen, you can click here.
Thank God you’re here is a lot of fun. Here’s the best effort I’ve seen. From Shaun Micallef a truly funny and very silly fellow. In the (likely) event that WordPress won’t properly embed the screen, you can click here.
The best guests on TGYH, like Micallef are those that can take control and try send the scenario down paths of illogic despite the best intentions of the ensemble cast – who in their own right a brilliant especially at keeping a straight face.
Some of the comedians can only throw out one liners, which, while often funny, don’t add that much. A minor quibble as the show is always great fun.
I liked Shaun as the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs explaining the discharge of toxic sludge into Tokyo Harbour to the Japanese Ambassador.
Long pause . . . .
“It was a joke!”
Pause . . . .
The New Zealanders laughed when we did it to them . . .
There’s more than a dash of the Pythons at their best about Shaun and co at their best. Establishment figures inevitably yet unpredictably collapsing into anarchic and barbed surrealistic observations of human behaviour.
Plus he has pitch perfect comic timing and the co-ordination to do physical comedy as well. Sorta like an Australian John Cleese.
Gone already – video no longer available
I think they need a best of performers show. Shaun Micallef, the young josh fellow (maybe better than Micallef), colin lane from lano and woodley, maybe akhmal.