Friday Missing Link (and apologies for our Tuesday absence)

sophiesf.gifWith any sort of luck, this issue of Missing Link will wend its way out to our subscribers via email, as Jacques slowly rebuilds the Troppo server using the dedicated equipment he’s just bought on the site’s behalf. Let us know in the comments if you received the email, and how it looked, as Jacques is having to do some fancy technical footwork in order to ensure that the Missing Link subscription email is readable.

Today’s issue of Missing Link compiled by James Farrell, Peter Black and gilmae, and edited by Helen ‘skepticlawyer’ Dale. Image credit to Sophie Cunningham, a terrific arts/photoblogger.

News and Politics Stuff

Tim Dunlop discusses the trend to big, bureaucratic government, and wonders whether Labor can really live up to their promises to cut spending. But he’s sick of the election compaign and wants the election over, so government and opposition can get back to get to doing their job. Instead, at the moment

…we have major legislationand some petty, useless legislation toobeing forced through the parliament by a government too arrogant and poll-driven to allow it proper scrutiny, and an opposition too scared of spooking the horses (thatd be us) to demand that proper scrutiny.

In other posts related to the election, Jeremey Sear detects political motives in the recent changes to the electoral law that prohibit registration after the election is announced, while at Surfdom Helen reviews The Trial of John Howard at The Melbourne Town Hall. It was not just the show — which she liked — but the composition and enthusiasm of the audience that captured her interest:

If I were Mark Textor, Id be feeling very queasy. Not only were the Doctors Wives all out in force, the doctors were all there too, along with the older doctors kids.

Mirko Bagaric argues that the proposed new police powers must be accompanied by increased police responsibility and accountability.

Sacha discusses the US presidential primary cycle creeping earlier and earlier and its impact on the democratic process.

Niall Cook hopes the claimed discovery of the HMAS Sydney is correct and left alone, even if he does have doubts.

‘Unslienced’ at Talk it Out has a thorough critique of the ‘independent’ pro-WorkChoices advertisements. That link was via Mark Bahnisch who himself has a very useful summary of reactions to, and interpretations of, yesterday’s opinion poll news. Still on polling, the Poll Bludger and Oz Politics dissect the latest figures.

Chris Berg makes some interesting points about alleged links between content and ownership diversity in the Australian media.

Tim Lambert catches out The Australian’s Matthew Warren misrepresenting IPCC chair Rajendra Pachauri. James Waterton provides a global warming headsup from Beijing, complete with pollutant-obscured sun. Looks like the Olympics will be anything but a barrel of laughs for the athletes involved.

John Ray critiques an essay by Rich Lowry which he contrasts American “liberalism” of the present day with American liberalism in the era up to JFK. Moving further north, Ray considers what he identifies as the lack of free speech in Canada.

At Thoughts On Freedom, Pommygranate writes up a talk by Charles Murray, W. H. Brady Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, controversial author, innovative thinker and one of the earliest proponents of a radical rethink of the welfare system on Why Bother To Be Libertarian‘. Catallaxy keeps the Charles Murray kettle bubbling away, with a good piece each from Rafe and Jason.

Andrew Elder and Flute separately point out that the Peter Costello revelations have hurt only Peter Costello. Niall Cook disagrees, believing that Costello will still gain the Liberal leadership, but that politicians will trust journalists less; is there such a thing as negative trust?

Peter Martin excerpts a speech by the Secretary to the Treasury on the importance of brave economic decisions in the face of pandering by both of his prospective political masters.

Andrew Norton is scathing about the latest exercising in big-spending silliness from JWH & Co.

Life and Other Serious Stuff

Andrew Leigh summarises some of the conclusions from a paper on the effects of charter schools on a child’s education. On the other hand, Melaleuca discusses the effects of lack of parental will on a child’s weight, pointing out that the child isn’t a passive participant in the junk food marketing business. Speaking of food that is intrinsically bad for you, Ashleigh strives to recreate a recalled pork and apple recipe. Opinions on its deliciousnessness are left as an exercise for the reader. Saint at DogfightAtBankstown links to a story on the efforts to re-discover ancient Babylonian cooking. And to complete the food superfecta, Niall Cook objects to GM crops; except, his main objection is on patent right grounds, but shush until the bookie pays.

LegalEagle looks at the problem of pliant judicial appointees, perhaps anticipating the appointment of Susan Kiefel?

Amir at Austrolabe uncovers evidence of an interesting fashion statement.

After the dual lobbying of Christian groups on the weekend, a congregation of posts on the polictial and religious mix. Over at Xander and Nico they are just grateful it just keeps the politicians busy. Darlene lays in with some translations of fundie to normal.

Apathetic Gam is less exercised by the kidnapping of Desmond Gregor than by the papers’ mindless characterisation of Mali as ‘steamy’ and in Desmond’s interest in ‘Natacha’ as ‘love’.

tigtog examines the case of Heart and BB, subjected to DOS attacks and verbal abuse for expressing ambivalence about parenthood. She wonders if defenders of internet free speech have a double standard when it comes to radical feminists. Or freedom fighters for that matter, since they tend to be indistinguishable from terrorists.

Paul Norton sleeps naked and wants you to know it.

Peter Black is thoughtful on the potential damage blogging may do to a nascent academic career.

Harry Clarke on the econometrics of pets – go read!

The Yartz

Due to sundry musical interruptions of a Bob Dylanesque nature, Amanda hasn’t been around to do her usual linking. Having just looked at the arts file in Ken’s google reader, I don’t feel particularly qualified to step into her shoes at short notice. Instead, I’ll simply point to an artsblog I enjoy and recommend a read from there. My pick (SL) for general exploration is Sophie Cunningham’s blog. She does write occasionally for Sarsaparilla, but there’s a great deal more material on her own blog, and some lovely images, too. I’ve pinched one for today’s issue of Missing Link.


(troppo sports stadium)

Shaun does his customary footy tips (NRL)

Mad, Bad, Sad and Glad

Beyond the Fringe on the evils of unfettered capitalism!

Bernard Slattery defends The King thirty years after his death.

Azza-bazoo is shipping a gmail-inspired web mail client for an IMAP server, Lichen-mail; it’s very tasty.

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Anna Winter
Anna Winter
17 years ago

Email received and looking good! Cheers.

17 years ago

Thanks for the link. In writing the piece, I discovered that one state (New Jersey?) had moved its primary date forward in 2005 and then forward again in 2007. It’s a race to be first!

My blogging was on hold for a while but I’ve taken it back up again.

Enjoyed watching Lateline tonight – Virginia Trioli interviewed the editor of the New Republic on his proposition that “In the U.S., only liberals can win the war on terror”. He discussed the liberal strand of U.S. foreign policy and its prospects in the next U.S. administration.

17 years ago

Hey….three mentions. I’m chuffed. Nothing from anyone else on the finance industry disembowelment this week? Strange.

17 years ago

Does linking to a timeline on the credit crunch on the bbc site count?

17 years ago

The tech side seems to be coming together nicely, which is good.