Journalism The Curious Incident of the Dogs in Baghdad Don Arthur August 23, 2007August 23, 2007 Megan McArdle asks: "Did John Quiggin just write that it doesn't matter whether the New Republic ran a false story?" The short answer is 'no'....
Journalism Media Politics - national Well done, Murdoch and shame on you Business Council etc. Fred Argy August 23, 2007October 4, 2007 While not retreating from my earlier accusations of systematic bias in the main Murdoch press, let me now strongly commend The Australians Mike Steketee for...
Media Uncategorised Some great ideas on bringing newspapers into Web 2.0. Nicholas Gruen August 23, 2007October 4, 2007 I'm sure that when we look back in twenty years, we'll see that some of our declining media were actually sitting on Web 2.0 gold...