Politics - national Irony Shock: Howard hangs hopes on a compassionate nation Rex Ringschott September 13, 2007October 4, 2007 Last night on the 7:30 report Mr. Howard gave us the truth. We know this because he said so several times. He levelled with the...
Economics and public policy regulation Regulation according to Lateral Economics: the transcript Nicholas Gruen September 13, 2007October 5, 2007 Because I managed to say some things in the interview of the report on Regulation and Innovation more compellingly than had been said in the...
Economics and public policy Manufacturing roundtable – second and final installment Nicholas Gruen September 13, 2007October 4, 2007 For the record - over the fold. (more…)
Economics and public policy Society The evil that men do lives after them, The good is oft interred with their bones Nicholas Gruen September 13, 2007October 4, 2007 The Long-Term Effects of Africa's Slave Trades by Nathan Nunn Abstract: Can part of Africa's current underdevelopment be explained by its slave trades? To explore...
Economics and public policy Politics - international Martin Feldstein is worried Nicholas Gruen September 13, 2007October 4, 2007 Martin Feldstein wants to cut US interest rates by one percent. I agree with him for all the reasons that he puts. And disagree with...