Philosophy Politics - international Compulsory voting Nicholas Gruen December 24, 2007 What are your views on compulsory voting? I think I'm in favour of it. I've always been surprised that right leaning parties don't try to...
Life Politics - national The intervention – item # 476 Nicholas Gruen December 23, 2007 In reading for Best Blog Posts 07 there are several first rate posts on the aboriginal intervention. And one of them linked to this fascinating...
Art and Architecture Christopher Hitchins on Robert Hughes Nicholas Gruen December 23, 2007 Christopher Hitchens has some strange views. But it's not hard to see why he gets published. Triffic writing - as for example in this post...
Economics and public policy International negotiation as if it mattered: Send in the economists Nicholas Gruen December 22, 2007December 22, 2007 To your right is a graph of carbon emissions - megatons of C02 equivalent per annum. We'll get to them in a sec. As Dani...
Economics and public policy Giving internationally Nicholas Gruen December 22, 2007 Via Andrew Leigh's blog I came upon Give Well which attempts to rank charities in terms of their effectivenss. Damn good thing too. I have...
IT and Internet A nice, simple bit of Microsoft bashing Nicholas Gruen December 22, 2007 By Aaron Edlin Here. In the best of all worlds, we would all benefit from the so-called network effects that result from most people using...