Find out if you want to by clicking through when the word appears in this rather fun review of Christopher Hitchens. Not that Christopher is either my cup of tea or especially interesting. But he is quite fun to watch – so long as you don’t devote much time to it!
This Neil Fitzgerald isnt a shabby wordsmith himself. I particularly loved the following descriptions of Hitchens.
Yes, I had meant to imply that in what I’d written, but was a bit too sotto voce about it. I thought he was lightly sending Hitch up with his choice of style.
I lose interest in articles which use five words where one would do. What’s the upshot?
The author doesn’t use five words where one would do. He uses words you (and I) don’t know the meaning of. Which can be fun – at least if they’re good words.
Hmmm……..I don’t regard Hitchens as ‘smart’ JC. Bombastic perhaps, and maybe smart as in Alec, but that’s about it.