Anyone who wants to participate in Troppo’s bulk subscription to Crikey! should email me on nicholas at gruenxxx dot com dot au – and remove those ‘x’s. If you subscribed last year you should get an email from me.
Depending on numbers the cost will be as follows.
3 5 Annual Subscriptions: $80 each
6 9 Annual Subscriptions: $70 each
10 20 Annual Subscriptions: $60 each
20 49 Annual Subscriptions: $50 each
50+ Annual Subscriptions: $40 each
Last year we got between 20-49 subscriptions.
And of course remember to contact me if you’ve changed your email from last year.
gah, I renewed one week ago. The universe owes me $65.
Make a note for next year wilful.
count me in
[…] Troppo blogger Nicholas Gruen is looking to secure a group discount on Crikey subscriptions. Anyone who wants to participate in Troppos bulk subscription to Crikey! […]
Is it possible to get an extension to an existing subscription through one of these group deals? I’ve got another ~3months left on my current one and topping it up would be good.
[…] Discount Crikey [link] […]
Nick, Am I to assume that bots can now extract emails from username dot domain dot country? So we need to add some more fake text to fool them? If so, is a pornographic suffix really the best way to go?
I’m sure robots CAN do the extraction, it wouldn’t be very hard to tell them to.
I don’t know if they actually have been made. So I thought I’d add the ‘xxx’s. I doubt they’d bother programming that into them as well – but who knows?