A digest of the best of the blogosphere published each weekday and compiled by Ken Parish, James Farrell, Gilmae, Darlene Taylor and Saint.
Andrew Bartlett was not surprised by the revelation that some of Howards ministers didnt know that WorkChoices might make some workers worse off:
This is a prime example of how the Coalition winning control of the Senate at the 2004 election turned out to be a curse for them, rather than a blessing. It is precisely those sorts of badly thought through, ideologically or politically driven decisions which ignored reality that previously used to be detected by properly functioning and diligent Senate Committees.
Of course, thats always assuming that Joe Hockey was telling the truth about their not knowing, which Jeremy Sear for one doesnt believe (and neither do I – KP). Andrew lists some other examples from the post-2005 period.
Speaking of young Jeremy, hes also on the warpath about corporate executive paypackets.
Theres a council election in Brisbane, and Apathetic Sarah doesnt take Mayor Newmans bike path promises seriously.
Displaying studious objectivity, Ken Lovell argues that Brendan Nelsons negligent stewardship of the defence portfolio under the Howard government should be a much bigger story than Kevin Rudds seemingly extensive dealings with Brian Burke.
BTW Ive inserted the video at right just to brighten Nicholas Gruens otherwise gruelling day, at least in terms of the rhetorical style if not the protectionist Ricardian-ignorant substance.
Update –The Clinton campaign is now accusing Obama of plagiaring this very speech. Nevertheless, I’m sure they’ll still be “friends” after the campaign, as Obama unctuously says during the speech.
Derek Barry argues that British Labours continuing grip on power still owes much to their extraordinary campaign in 1997.
Jack Balkin muses about the cult of personality in American politics (see Obama video back over the fold):
This is a distinct problem from Caesarism and creeping authoritarianism. The problem is that people are distracted from the way governance actually occurs because it is easier for them (and the press) to focus on personalities of leaders. To say that contemporary politicians form cults of personality means to say that they distract the public from the mechanisms of governance because that is how they gain the authority to rule.
tigtog focuses on congressional committee testimony that Guantanamo prosecutor Moe Davis (yes, the one who treated Hicks so fairly) resigned in protest at plans to use evidence obtained by waterboarding aka torture.
Dale Amon at the libertarian blog Samizdata echoes Glenn Instapundit Reynolds in suggesting that the remedy for the seemingly almost daily incidence of campus massacres in the US is for the victims families to sue the schools, apparently on the theory that they were negligent to have banned students from taking weapons on campus to defend theselves and then not provided adequate security! These people live in a strange parallel universe to most of us.
Publius at Obsidian Wings argues that the Clinton campaign displayed astonishing ineptitude in deciding to concentrate on Texas and effectively conceding every other post-Super Tuesday election to Obama.
Although Juan Cole invariably sees nothing but bleak prospects in Iraq, this development really does sound ominous (especially for John McCains currently vaguely plausible claim that the US strtegy there is working).
Harry Clarke finds vindication in a NYT story for his supply-side theory of religious fanaticism.
Nicholas Gruen tells two stories that document the revolution in our attitude to industry protection.
One we missed yesterday: a guest post on the Haneef Affair by Peter Russo.
Lawyers arent boring, Eric E. Johnson assures us at Prawfsblawg.
Pro bono is a Latin phrase that acquires a whole new meaning in the hands of American lawyers, while Jay Michaelson wonders without conscious irony whether law students have gotten more cynical.
Lawrence Solum has a very worthy post about the importance of transparency in markets, law and politics.
Issues analysis
Andrew Norton dissects Youth Minister Kate Elliss paper on the impacts of voluntary student unionism.
tigtog relays a horrifying Sunday story about a deranged surgeon wreaking havoc, and the system that failed to stop him.
Alex Tabarrok advocates in favour of an educational voucher system, which will certainly win Andrew Nortons support.
Will Wilkinson welcomes another intellectuals online streaming video site called Big Think (joining the often fascinating BloggingHeads). It seems to have quite a few files Im looking forward to watching, including a couple by Steven Pinker and the one at right featuring Sam Harris musing about happiness.
Slashdot reports on a scientific discovery that might yet save the global warming bacon of coal-fired power stations.
Don Arthur recalls how very unhip the Monkees were back before anybody thought to take a second look.
Ian Houston at Art Life reviews a concert I think Id travel a long way to avoid. Meanwhile, that blogs supremo Andrew is in Beijing and checking out the antique markets including the very attractive range of fertility symbols displayed at right.
Revere at ScienceBlogs posts a great old Janis Joplin video.
Slashdot reports that Prince and the Village People are planning on suing bit torrent site Pirate Bay over illegal downloads of their music Youd think theyd be pleased that anyone would even bother.
Amanda Rose posts about a cover of Peter Allens classic Tenterfield Saddler by of all people Bette Midler, and also posts a link to a YouTube video of Allen singing it. I have to confess its one of my all time favourite songs (KP), which should give Darlene plenty of comment box ammunition.
Niall Cook believes Mark Skaife is wearing too many hats in the Supercar Championships.
Liam at stoush has some naming suggestions for the Western Sydney AFL club run up the flag poll this week. Oddly, the Western Sydney Rioters is missing.
Mike Salter reviews the weekends soccer A League preliminary final.
Snark, strangeness and charm
Its a snake eat frog eat snake kinda world.
Darlene writes on Fat Rights as activist cause, but the comments thread develops into a tutorial about something called feederism.
Tim Blair joins the chorus jeering the egregious Peter Roebuck, who certainly seems in need of corporal punishment after his latest strange diatribe about the alleged racism of Australian cricket.
Henry Farrell at Crooked Timber daws attention to the bloke at right ranting about how the interwebs are destroying society and the human brain. Do yourself a favour and watch it, its very funny.
Arleeshar will tolerate a lot but draws the line at the Hillary Dancers.
Thanks for the link, but that one was Lauredhel’s.
Sorry. Perhaps Ken or Jacques will fix it.