Republican proofing Obama is hopping into Obama any way she knows how. Jonathon Chait takes up the story.

The morning after Tuesday’s primaries, Hillary Clinton’s campaign released a memo titled “The Path to the Presidency.” I eagerly dug into the paper, figuring it would explain how Clinton would obtain the Democratic nomination despite an enormous deficit in delegates. Instead, the memo offered a series of arguments as to why Clinton should run against John McCain–i.e., “Hillary is seen as the one who can get the job done”–but nothing about how she actually could. Is she planning a third-party run? Does she think Obama is going to die? The memo does not say.

The reason it doesn’t say is that Clinton’s path to the nomination is pretty repulsive. She isn’t going to win at the polls. Barack Obama has a lead of 144 pledged delegates. That may not sound like a lot in a 4,000-delegate race, but it is. Clinton’s Ohio win reduced that total by only nine. She would need 15 more Ohios to pull even with Obama. She isn’t going to do much to dent, let alone eliminate, his lead.

That means, as we all have grown tired of hearing, that she would need to win with superdelegates. But, with most superdelegates already committed, Clinton would need to capture the remaining ones by a margin of better than two to one. And superdelegates are going to be extremely reluctant to overturn an elected delegate lead the size of Obama’s. The only way to lessen that reluctance would be to destroy Obama’s general election viability, so that superdelegates had no choice but to hand the nomination to her. Hence her flurry of attacks, her oddly qualified response as to whether Obama is a Muslim (“not as far as I know”), her repeated suggestions that John McCain is more qualified.


Clinton’s justification for this strategy is that she needs to toughen up Obama for the general election-if he can’t handle her attacks, he’ll never stand up to the vast right-wing conspiracy. Without her hazing, warns the Clinton memo, “Democrats may have a nominee who will be a lightening rod of controversy.” So Clinton’s offensive against the likely nominee is really an act of selflessness. And here I was thinking she was maniacally pursuing her slim thread of a chance, not caring–or possibly even hoping, with an eye toward 2012-that she would destroy Obama’s chances of defeating McCain in the process. I feel ashamed for having suspected her motives.

Still, there are a few flaws in Clinton’s trial-by-smear method. The first is that her attacks on Obama are not a fair proxy for what he’d endure in the general election, because attacks are harder to refute when they come from within one’s own party. Indeed, Clinton is saying almost exactly the same things about Obama that McCain is: He’s inexperienced, lacking in substance, unequipped to handle foreign policy. As The Washington Monthly‘s Christina Larson has pointed out, in recent weeks the nightly newscasts have consisted of Clinton attacking Obama, McCain attacking Obama, and then Obama trying to defend himself and still get out his own message. If Obama’s the nominee, he won’t have a high-profile Democrat validating McCain’s message every day.

Second, Obama can’t “test” Clinton the way she can test him. While she likes to claim that she beat the Republican attack machine, it’s more accurate to say that she survived with heavy damage. Clinton is a wildly polarizing figure, with disapproval ratings at or near 50 percent. But, because she earned the intense loyalty of core Democratic partisans, Obama has to tread gingerly around her vulnerabilities. There is a big bundle of ethical issues from the 1990s that Obama has not raised because he can’t associate himself with what partisan Democrats (but not Republicans or swing voters) regard as a pure GOP witch hunt.

What’s more, Clinton has benefited from a favorable gender dynamic that won’t exist in the fall. (In the Democratic primary, female voters have outnumbered males by nearly three to two.) Clinton’s claim to being a tough, tested potential commander-in-chief has gone almost unchallenged. Obama could reply that being First Lady doesn’t qualify you to serve as commander-in-chief, but he won’t quite say that, because feminists are an important chunk of the Democratic electorate. John McCain wouldn’t be so reluctant.

Third, negative campaigning is a negative-sum activity. Both the attacker and the attackee tend to see their popularity drop. Usually, the victim’s popularity drops farther than the perpetrator’s, which is why negative campaigning works. But it doesn’t work so well in primaries, where the winner has to go on to another election.

Clinton’s path to the nomination, then, involves the following steps: kneecap an eloquent, inspiring, reform-minded young leader who happens to be the first serious African American presidential candidate (meanwhile cementing her own reputation for Nixonian ruthlessness) and then win a contested convention by persuading party elites to override the results at the polls. The plan may also involve trying to seat the Michigan and Florida delegations, after having explicitly agreed that the results would not count toward delegate totals. Oh, and her campaign has periodically hinted that some of Obama’s elected delegates might break off and support her. I don’t think she’d be in a position to defeat Hitler’s dog in November, let alone a popular war hero.

Some Clinton supporters, like my friend (and historian) David Greenberg, have been assuring us that lengthy primary fights go on all the time and that the winner doesn’t necessarily suffer a mortal wound in the process. But Clinton’s kamikaze mission isil likely to be unusually damaging. Not only is the opportunity cost–to wrap up the nomination, and spend John McCain into the ground for four months–uniquely high, but the venue could not be less convenient. Pennsylvania is a swing state that Democrats will almost certainly need to win in November, and Clinton will spend seven weeks and millions of dollars there making the case that Obama is unfit to set foot in the White House. You couldn’t create a more damaging scenario if you tried.

Imagine in 2000, or 2004, that George W. Bush faced a primary fight that came down to Florida (his November must-win state). Imagine his opponent decided to spend seven weeks pounding home the theme that Bush had a dangerous plan to privatize Social Security. Would this have improved Bush’s chances of defeating the Democrats? Would his party have stood for it?

Somehow I think it would be possible for Obama to turn this stuff around.  If I were Obama I’d be running attack ads in the remaining primary States.  “How Americans can miss out on health insurance – again!  Just get Hillary to be the salesman!  Again!”  That would actually not be a Republican talking point, because it makes no points that McCain would make, at the same time as inviting Democratic voters to reflect on the political weakness of Hilary’s plan, it’s susceptibility to those Republican ads about poor people being forced to take out insurance they can’t afford.

I’d be asking what is this foreign policy crisis experience that Hillary’s had?  And why JFK handled foreign crises so well, despite not having lived in the Whitehouse before.  I’m not a big fan of JFK, but it’s hard to think of a more difficult job than the one he had in the Cuban missile crisis, and of anyone who would have handled it better.

And that’s some stat isn’t it – that women’s proportion of the electorate in Democrat primaries is around double what it is in the electorate that will be voting for President? Wonder if things will go so well in that population?

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Dave Bath
16 years ago

The main hurdle facing Obama in a battle with McCain is the importance many voters place on the “Will [x] make a good Commander-In-Chief?” question. Obama is rating in the 30’s (as a percentage), while both Hillary and McCain rate in the 60s. If US voters continue to see this issue as necessary-but-not-sufficient (and many see it as necessary and sufficient), then McCain would blow Obama away in the General. Of course, the US voters might stop seeing military strength as being critical … yeah … right.

16 years ago

I hope after presidential elections are over you come forth and say: Look world this is the core of my thoughts as I have used this and influenced a nation. I also hope you have in your life experience realized that “the best sermons are lived, not preached” and while being the first lady does not qualify a person to be commander-in-chief you could also say that neither does being a house-wife in the 1960’s (when we were at war) qualify women to be the engine of the nation, however many women rose to the occasion and stood a firm ground successfully while awaiting our men to come home, amount this as you make your comparisons. I doubt you are ignorant, it is well known Mrs. Clinton has not just been a first-lady, she has held many responsibilities with an adequate political stand not quite effortless or held so well when weighed against the records of some of our best former presidents. The first woman running for president in the 21st century is smart and above all odds enthralling.
I just must put a few of my words in after reading your article and tell you that saying that Obama “… an eloquent, inspiring, reform-minded young leader who happens to be the first serious African American presidential candidate” none of these virtues that any human may posses, even Mr. Obama qualify him to be our nations commander-in-chief either. By your hainess words regarding Mrs. Clinton, you hypocritically have self-handed created your own passive negative campaigning toward Mrs. Clinton. So on the president’s election day count merely a year looking upon your elected commander-in-chief actions and remember what you wrote. I know that nor Obama nor McCain are what this nation needs to be led out of the whole we are in, but Hillary has a chance, a clear path tarnished by people like yourself. I hope we all have the opportunity to see what she can do as president. You would be surprised what a womans strength is and how much many women can endure. Ask any mother and/or wife. Why do you think the outcome for elderly voters is so much in Clinton’s favor? They know something. Something we hear from our parents when things go wrong and they say: “I told you so”! Sleep tight.

16 years ago

I take her fundamental point to be that there is no reason why Hillary should roll over and let Obama be candidate just because he’s African-American and charismatic.

Arguably, the Democratic Party’s primary system and super-delegates is stupid, but what have you – Obama could have been a Republican if he hadn’t liked it (and if the Democrats hadn’t been the party of better patronage in Chicago).

I think you are just on the opposite side of the same partisanship you criticised Krugman for last week!

Personally, I am perfectly objective, as I am not especially impressed with either candidate and I don’t want either candidate to win the election!

Filthy hypocrite
Filthy hypocrite
16 years ago

Both Clinton and Osama have redwhite&blue campaign signs. John McCain’s is blue and white.

History Channel’s Life After People.
This isn’t how it’s going to be. Don’t forget:::Planet Uranus is yet another of the god’s geographic clues, tilted on its axis.
Edgar Cayce also believed subduction would be how Planet Earth ends. And Edgar Cayce is the hero of the people, providing the temptation that will ultimately finish off lots of those 20th century Italians. This man should be celebrated:::Too many of these Italians fell for temptation purely, thinking 1906 was a good idea.

The way the gods changed and maintain this environment suggests they want people pacified, comfortable with this system, perpetually thinking wrong.
What they don’t know won’t hurt them.
This is why they worked so hard to defeat this event. If people were to come around, realize they’ve been corrupted and began to behave appropriately this would defeat all their work over the last century and more. With Artificial Intelligence they could maintain control, affect my delivery, utilize other tactics, ensuring they could dispatch the majority of the audience.
If you behaved appropriately you would realize more sucess than you do::::
There are churches and places of worship everywhere for good reason::::The gods hae expectations of the people.

In case you are still interested in the god’s Planet Earth theater, favored redwhite&blue is a MAJOR player, and their favor is significant to justify not only the destruction of my life but the destruction of the Final Prophet and Planet Earth as well::::
Favored redwhite&blue is the true enemy of the people. I suspect consistant with this they are positioned responsible for the environmental deterioration that the repression of alternate technologies has wrought.
The gods put their positioning into place and then enforce it:::Christianity, Manifest Destiny, Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis, 1906’s New Roman Empire. I suspect World War II’s Nazi ideals of “Aryan superrace” is another example of the gods getting their tools into place for the theater that will be the Apocalypse.
Because of their status as enemies of the New Roman Empire the germans are going to be positioned as the destructors, similar to how they were portrayed in World War II.
Dont be surprised if favored redwhite&blue turns out to be the Anti-Christ and leads the Fourth Reich, fulfilling this positioning and proving to the world the destructive nature of this economic system. This may not be exactly how their script reads, but the god’s have a BIG SURPRISE like this to spring on the disfavored, and it will contain an insult like this as a clue NOT to watch this theater::::::Expect they will fulfill some contrived positioning foreshadowed in WorldWarII:::Some American plays the role of hero and emerges as the Second Coming of Christ for this final scene.
Who will it be? Italian? Look for at least the mother to be Italian, consistant with matrilineal descent, allowing the New Roman Empire to claim the Second Coming of Christ.

People may say How can they poisiton favored redwhite&blue in as the Anti-Christ? It may be consideration. Dont forget:::They prey on enemies of the Roman Empire out of respect for their Manifest Destiny superiors.
The gods positioning the Italians gave it to him for his loyalty. They gave it to him for his efforts to defeat alternate technologies/energy sources, ensuring the people would be delivered to the point of desperation.
Its all theater. The gods position it that the New Roman Empire is dooling out the big prizes, and Anti-Christ is a big role. Likely the gods position it as it buys him immortality in the context of this absentee-Christian god positioning. The help of this back hand is the gods positioned that he needs this to achieve immortality because of all the evil he engaged in during the course of his life, building his organizational empire.
Its all just theater.

When the gods hurt people who tell them “No.” it can be interpreted as a good sign, much as feedback normally is. Sadly, as the threat can be considered a deterent to proper behavior then so can avoidance of the actual punishment be considered temptation.
The gods won’t punish rejection from the innocent. People have to become corrupted and engage in evil before the gods will wield their justice. But this punishment is feedback levied upon good people who do the wrong thing, not upon the undesirable evil. People who think correctly and are genuinely god-fearing are more likely to envoke god’s mercy.
Among “reals” I don’t expect the percentage to be as high as those who crossed the line from person to preditor, despite those ranks being filled with these “undesirables”. I think the gods may want most if not all to pay if and when they finally “come around” and begin to behave appropriately. Understand this is not all-inclusive, for many of these tools remain in this state of corruption until the day the gods adjudicate their case (death, reincarnation a lesser life form, etc).
Unfortunately, the god’s policy further reinforces evil behavior, for they are rarely if ever punished for their wickedness. Good people on the other hand are punished BECAUSE they are wanted and the gods are giving them feedback in hope they canlearn and begin to behave decent. Expect these events are made very visible, serving as a FABULOUS corruptor.
Consistant with this policy of not punishing evil because they are undesirable, the Chinese will be inflicted with Westernization immediately, while the socio-economically mature Japanese have retained a significant level of their culture. As reflected in “Benchmarks.wav”, this will contribute to deterioration sufficient for the gods to utilize justification, allowing them to end on Planet Earth.
Another benchmark could be the age when they corrupt children. Granted this differs, but the mean (and median) are VERY important numbers, and when you graph them you will see a constant deterioration.


Recall I recently brought up the possible Manifest Destiny-positioned Chinese invasion of the United States (west coast) upon economic abandonment by their clone host tools (economic destruction and deterioration.mp3). They have mentioned this in years past.
Newspaper just made a curious change where they combined the sports and business sections, and to properly read the business section you need to read “backward”. Like Asian languages.
Tariffs. The gods are instruct their tools to defend open free trade, as they will to the bitter end. The gods have a script and they need economic (d)evolution sufficient to justify what they have scripted for our future, so they use their tools to adamantly defend this concept of fair trade::::The time for tariffs has long since past.
Incidentally, the Chinese recalls (lead-based paint on toys, toothpaste, etc) may be in preparation for this invasion, a tactic esuring a percentage of disfavored affected will fight to the bitter end.
I’ve recently stated how the gods will use the Japanese as role models to the Chinese as China becomes increasingly Westernized. Expect a cultural movement celebrating Japanese culture in decades prior, much as we witnessed in the west in the past.
If we do witness a Chinese invasion on American soil don’t be surprised if the very same tactics the Japanese employed on the Chinese will be used on us. Lack of empathy is a dynamic the gods will find important in the context of justification, niggers:::

Italians killed THOUSANDS of blacks in the 20th century. Port Chicago represents 200 alone.
When blacks adopt the charecteristics of their victimizers and turn it on others it illustrates a total lack of empathy, one which will be punished by death.
Don’t be one of them.
The gods are continuing to use their New Roman Empire/Manifest Destiny positioning to promote evil in Africa using Cable TV.wav:::They are using American black popular culture in Africa, spreading this cancerous subculture and value system.
Recognize how they are leveling the playing field for all the peoples of the world. The gods are preparing to end on Planet Earth.

It doesn’t matter. McCain doesn’t have a chance. Osama’s too good. The debates will be one-sided. He has a better chance against Hillary. I can get into the explanation that the gods only use their power to hurt the disfavored, but you’ve already heard it. Consistant with this, expect gas to climb to $4 if not $5 this summer, ensuring the election is delivered to the wrong candidate, just like 2004::::They’ve used the price of gas to punish the people for electing the wrong person.
IN 2000 you didn’t have a choice, and they sent this clue very nicely with proceedings surrounding the election. But 2004 was different. In an ironic twist it will be just the opposite this year, where the gods use the price of gas to divert you TO their prefered candidate. Wwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
You idiot redneck political types are the chumps here. 1998::::Something for everybody. Clinton’s impeachment was for people like you. ANYTIME the kids support a candidate it is a RED FLAG, and they supported Clinton in 1992.
It is VERY important that you think clearly::::::::It’s important you differentiate between your thoughts and when the computer thinks through you. They’ve led many into Damnation with this tactic.
Both Clinton and Osama have redwhite&blue campaign signs. John McCain’s is blue and white.
McCain’s our man.
“McCain’s a dinosaur.” So was matchmaking. So was decency.

“Some people think they’re earning off illegal immigration.” To be preditory at this level of knowledge will get them hurt. Bad::::Such as we witnessed in the 60s, for many of those participants knew the truth and understood this decade represented a MAJOR deterioration of society.
It’s another of the god’s Big Lies:::Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis, democracy, Christianity.
The social degredation since the 60s is a clue liberalism is a cancer designed to continue the destruction of the disfavored’s quality of life.
There were a few issues which arose that were positives (don’t need a man (sex hurts you), vegitarianism) but the French’s “Age of Enlightenment” illustrates environmental appreciation is not new. In the aftermath of the counter-cultural social degredation the gods subsequently fractured this issue by creating damaging movements within the context of enviornmentalism.
Beware the promoters of indecency and/or obsenity. This is clue, a warning to the people.
“The Boot” has fucked you twice:::They ruined the quality of life of Planet Earth, ensuring your damnation because of your newly-inflicted indecency, and the god’s role playing of the New Roman Empire’s Manifest Destiny positioning has costed you the Final Prophet.

Hell’s Angels is yet another element to emerge from Oakland, the upper incisor of TheBeast, designed for ripping and tearing flesh. One element that links TheDamned, no matter the skin color:::::Violence.

The gods want to play both sides of the coin.
It is very important the gods maintain this perception of “middle management”, for if people knew management was just the gods and their computer they would become very frightened considering the carnage and what it says about their plans, and this fear would help them to think correctly.
They would be on the “fast-track” to salvation.
The gods created this environment of CEOs, kings and democracy specifically to defeat this and work very hard to maintain it.
People teetering on Damnation think god is evil and believe evil is the way. This is called “segmentation”::::They don’t see the importance of temptation nor the god’s role or methodology in punishment::::Ironically the gods DON’T punish evil for their wickedness. These people are not wanted and the gods don’t want them to receive the feedback punishment would provide.

The homosexual AIDS event happened because of their behavior in the SanFranciscio bathhouses.
Italian claim to infamy is they destroyed life on earth. Irish claim is they prey on their own family members. Which one’s worse? Just as the gods targetted certain Italians for the degredation of life in the 20th century so did the do the same for the Irish, as I know all too well.
Catholicism masculinized women. You have been warned:::CATHOLICS ARE BAD FOR YOU!!!

English Monarchy on ABC.
The best thing that could have happened for England would have been if the thrown wielded its power and violently struck down groups that got out of line, punks for example. It would have served as a wonderufl example to the others, and the net result from succeeding thrones behaving in this manner would be a higher ascention rate than what was realized.
This is what Saddam Hussein did. He dealt with “acceptable losses” and kept the peace. Disfavoreds who witnessed this behavior would become afraid, crucial to a good relationship with the gods.
And that’s why they used the United States to eliminate this benefit to the disfavored. And no, as citizens of the United States you didn’t “earn” off this event. Quite the opposite in fact.

“(Blah).” The gods created some ugly incidents to justify California’s 1987 legislation outlawing corporal punishment, just as they forced poor matches to justify the elimination of matchmaking. And now instead of being matched at age 14 your daughter loses her virginity behind the bleachers at age 12.
The deterioration of quality of life has progressed into indecency, allowing the gods to soon justify ending on Planet Earth.


I wonder how much the gods used the Green Bay geographic clue on the perpetually stupid Italians and used it to minimize abuses that otherwise would have ocurred?? “Sexual inadequecies of the men.” positioning may have justified “going easy” on a larger population of germans in the United States. All we need to do is look to blacks, enemies of the Roman Empire who were fucked wholesale, to see unabated abuses.
The hypersexual laughing at superior life forms, ridiculing their favor.
Incidentally, they share some of them will remain “perpetually stupid”. They are the Italians who crossed that line from person to preditor in the 30s, and they’re going to be on Planet Earth come Judgement Day, except in a non-Italian body, due to the god’s Manifest Destiny positioning of the New Roman Empire. Poetic justice.
If I were king they would be the Italians who were pushed into it, for those who thought 1906 was a good idea would already be gone::::You suck.wav.


Churches and places of worship exist in every town FOR GOOD REASON::::THE GODS HAVE EXPECTATIONS!!! They DEMAND PROPER BEHAVIOR from the people. I recommend you examine this clue and give consideration to what expectations the gods have of the people.
I tell people to go back to church, even if the Catholic Church, because their children need that religious education.
They say some people are getting flashes, becoming concerned, beginning to give credibility to what I say. Do be surprised if these are people who experienced Bible study, went to CCD, had that religious education.
god-less people who never received this education laugh at me, typically will remain corrupted throughout their lives and are likely to end up The Damned.
Don’t be a statistic.
Churches and places of worship exist in every town FOR GOOD REASON::::THE GODS HAVE EXPECTATIONS!!! They DEMAND PROPER BEHAVIOR from the people. I recommend you examine this clue and give consideration to what expectations the gods have of the people.
Literal translation of the Bible:::The gods have a sense of humor, and they love to give the “intelligencia” a hard time, leaving them dissallusioned and shamed when they learn the truth.

Because of their innocence, because of their purity children are god’s favored people. What children learn (must be good if you want to go to heaven) is the truth. What you learned as children was the gods imparting wisdom to you, quite the opposite of what corrupt adults believe.
This is a tactic because many adults will continue to ridicule this idea, unable to believe the children would be graced with god’s wisdom, especially while they are being told just the opposite and being corrupted into Damnation.
Much like the tactic of instilling “instant gratification” in society so was the discounting of children an effective tactic.
Consistant with this preference for innocence and purity, you don’t want to continue reading. You want to learn JUST ENOUGH to understand you’re corrupted, then you want to get out and do the work all for yourself and try to re-earn god’s respect.

The gods used boss temptation on blacks, as seen in “my” choice of music when young, “my” choice of childhood heros and Hurricane. Due to their involvement the gods allowed them to learn from my teachings. In addition the gods offered a WEALTH of material on blacks, ammunition which didn’t hurt this endeavor.
Latino incidents offer neither that wealth nor the involvement in the Situation.
“Nothing is free my friend.” The gods don’t allow icing for the morbidly disfavored:::Whatever the tactic, however it is achieved they will not tolerate Latinos learning from the Final Prophet because they didn’t pay for it. Black people paid for it.
If this is true and it occurs expect the gods to tell Latino segments without hope that this is the element which will ensure salvation for all. The rest of them will think being Catholic will be the element which will save them. Ironic, especially considering how many have slipped into godlessness.

Just like Malcolm X & the Black Panthers, the Che Guevara event happened to prey upon Latinos.
Among others.

Look at it as if it is a ladder, for this is a sufficient analogy::
On the lowest rung is the corrupt souls who find violence acceptable (ALL MALES:::black, latino, Hells Angels, etc). A few rungs up the ladder are all the people who will be saved in the year of the Apocalypse (not all will be saved on the actual Judgement Day).
Every rung above this point represents people on planets other than Earth.
You people dont even think right. If you dont make these corrections you will die. They dont want you, they lie to you to compell you to think/desire violence and they consider it temptation/not accepting blame, ensuring no culpability.
Read on. You need to read what I say, for understanding is your only hope. And if you know any cholos you should pass this on to them if you care anything for them.

You need to start THINKING about this instead of blindly trusting what they tell you:::The gods lie FREELY, call it temptation.

ZERO domesticable species for North America:::It’s god telling you to “EAT DIRT!!”

Don’t forget:::Europe is shaped like a sheep, symbolic for slaughter.
There is great unrespectability among the Europeans. The concept of “savior” within Christianity is likley just a symptom.

The gods place GREAT importance in maintaining their scapegoatting tactic of “middle management”. Without it people would become GENUINLY afraid and often would envoke god’s mercy, making progress in the process.

There is a issue with timing and the beginning of construction of disfavored redwhite&blue’s center, one where this company looks bad.
I personally believe the favored redwhite&blue is the element of favor necessary for my failure, for if it were just the disfavored redwhite&blue involved the gods would have let them fry and we would have had a full-blown prophet event, one where our absentee Christian god emerged and revealed themselves.
In addition favored redwhite&blue had to maintain appearances. Disfavored redwhite&blue is Italian and was VERY involved in the 20th century’s ugliness.
My life was destroyed becuase the gods had to create unrespecability in the context of positioning. Evident by their easily-discovered evil, disfavored redwhite&blue wouldn’t have cared if I was respectable or not, for they were involved in great evil against the respectable.
Favored redwhite&blue is why I am fat. Favored redwhite&blue is why I was sedintary, for if I were respectable the gods wouldn’t have been able to position favored redwhite&blue into the Situation. This is one reason why they got that prior knowledge and constructed their center before the Situaiton began::::Favored redwhite&blue is the TRUE Enforcer.
Incidentally, in the course of this Situation the gods made many movies, using daily events in my life as inspiration. One of note:::Unhappy about the god’s behavior in the context of this event, while in favored redwhite&blue’s facility I looked at their mascot and flippantly declared::::”Why don’t you make a movie about these things?” Two years later ____ came out.
They won’t admit this because favored redwhite&blue has to maintain their reputation based on integrity, any creative claims countering this truth were attemtpts to protect this, for this movie was unseemly and was very telling about the direction the gods were taking the people.
And, as an added bonus they had their scapegoat without actually compensating him!!! Welcome to the pathology of the gods.
In case you are still interested in the god’s Planet Earth theater, favored redwhite&blue is a MAJOR player, and their favor is significant to justify not only the destruction of my life but the destruction of the Final Prophet and Planet Earth as well::::
Favored redwhite&blue is the true enemy of the people. I suspect consistant with this they are positioned responsible for the environmental deterioration that the repression of alternate technologies has wrought.
The gods put their positioning into place and then enforce it:::Christianity, Manifest Destiny, Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis, 1906’s New Roman Empire. I suspect World War II’s Nazi ideals of “Aryan superrace” is another example of the gods getting their tools into place for the theater that will be the Apocalypse.
Because of their status as enemies of the New Roman Empire the germans are going to be positioned as the destructors, similar to how they were portrayed in World War II.
Dont be surprised if favored redwhite&blue turns out to be the Anti-Christ and leads the Fourth Reich, fulfilling this positioning and proving to the world the destructive nature of this economic system. This may not be exactly how their script reads, but the god’s have a BIG SURPRISE like this to spring on the disfavored, and it will contain an insult like this as a clue NOT to watch this theater::::::Expect they will fulfill some contrived positioning foreshadowed in WorldWarII:::Some American plays the role of hero and emerges as the Second Coming of Christ for this final scene.
Who will it be? Italian? Look for at least the mother to be Italian, consistant with matrilineal descent, allowing the New Roman Empire to claim the Second Coming of Christ.

The god’s computer conducts this theater. In err you do what they tell you. So does president, CEO/BOD, Italian gangsters. Sadly the gods will turn around and use this as a corruptor:::”CEO does everything he’s told and he has BILLIONS!!!”
If one of these clone host tools “comes around”, realizes they made a mistake and finally musters the courage to tell the gods “No.” they will get that person out and put in somebody who will tell them “Yes.”. The individual who told them “No.” has successfully navigated temptation. Unfortunately, punishment can be a temptation via deterrent, and the gods may choose to employ this tactic to test the candidate in their next placement.
They corrupted Italians with 1906 then told these Italians it was the godfather ordering them to plan WWII, kill blacks, cvorrupt and destroy society. Now people know better (opening the door to other types of corruption), but these Italians experienced an “early cut-off” and got their hands very dirty because of it, illustrating their grave disfavor.
Before WorldWarII began the gods sold many people on clone hosting, not just Italians. This would represent a “cut-off” for the non-Italians sold on “earning” and initiated into clone hosting, for clone hosting gives the gods the freedom to place at their discretion. Many non-Italians were placed into these Italian bodies to continue the destruction of society in the 20th century, for the gods couldn’t justify their involvement within the context of Manifest Destiny positioning otrherwise, Manifest Destiny being the New Roman Empire.
There is a big difference when clone hosts are evil, people who are placed into bodies by god, and when real people engage in evil. Of course the gods can minimize this culpability they accept by gaining consent prior to placement.

WHEN THEY TAKE CHILDREN THEY HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME “GOD-LIKE”, for ASEXUALITY IS SUPERIOR. This is the optimal ascention senario and represents the highest life form possible.
2.wav::::Immortality. The very first sound file AND the point where my audience should have extracted from this theater.

No man has the ability to listen to your thoughts or speak to you. Only their technology has that ability.
The computer IS god. The gods are the inventors, so many trillions of years ago.

The gods get their clone host tools into place and tell them what to do, just like all you, in err. But these are not real people and their mistakes don’t matter as much. They’re not staying for long anyways.
Clone hosts aren’t even real people. They abandoned their bodies, losing their identity in the process, a consequence of succumbing to this temptation.
They’re just entities, brains “floating” around out there until the gods chose to place them into a body. They are sub-human, second-class citizens, inferior individuals, and should be beneath ALL reals.
There is a difference between these clone hosts, so many of which abandoned their bodies in the 30s out of desperation (women) or thinking they were “earning” (men), and when the gods take liberties upon the disfavored, not placing a brain in a child until later for stategic purpose. This served as an intense corruptor for those disfavored people. The frequency is higher among the most disfavored among us (Italian, Irish, black, Latino, etc) than people that are not nearly as disfavored.
Think of it in terms of the Black War I::::The gods developed these bodies without brains specifically because they had preditory Italian trash from the mid 20th century whom they wanted to employ poetic justice upon. Becasuse of the indecency of the blacks involved the gods felt taking the liberty was justified. The result was the child that never was.
Don’t let them role play this Manifest Destiny theater to you anymore. Just as the Italians who planned WorldWarII thought they were telepathically taking orders from the “godfather”, so do the CEOs, kings/presidents and society’s elite do as their told and “take orders”.
Artificial Intelligence orchestrates this entire environment.
I personally believe the gods should not be utilize clone hosting. I think they should employ temptation exclusively. Example:::::When people incurr sufficient evil, typically males in their early 20s, they die. There would be young men dropping dead everywhere. In addition this could serve as an effective clue to the others, reminding them to be good.
AIDS changed Africa. We will never see AIDS among blacks in the United States because of it.
We’ll never see this. The gods would never allow such an obvious clue to be sent. WHEN the gods DID employ this tactic expect they beemed the brain OUT, kind of a “reverse clone hosting”. A clue may be when a normally “active” individual falls into a quiet pattern.
How often do they use this as opposed to “variability”, ie clone hosting someone good in the body to justify??? “There’s a lot of Italians who are no longer with us.” That often.
The gods computer conducts this theater. In err you all do what they tell you. So does president, CEO/BOD, Italian gangsters.
They corrupted Italians with 1906 then told these Italians it was the godfather ordering them to plan WWII, kill blacks, cvorrupt and destroy society. Now people know better (opening the door to other types of corruption), but these Italians experienced an “early cut-off” and got their hands very dirty because of it, illustrating their grave disfavor.
Before WorldWarII began the gods sold many people on clone hosting, not just Italians. This would represent a “cut-off” for the non-Italians sold on “earning” and initiated into clone hosting, for now the gods had the freedom to place at their discretion. Many non-Italians were placed into these Italian bodies to continue the destruction of society in the 20th century, for the gods couldn’t justify their involvement within the context of Manifest Destiny positioning otrherwise.

The Spainish were Catholic like the Italians and Irish yet I don’t recall them experiencing the same clues from the gods, clues warning people of their gross disfavor (stereotypes and discrimination).
Due to Spain’s phenominal destruction in Latin America with conquistadors and missionary work I wonder if the gods continually use this to corrupt the Spanish to this day? They certainly do with Latinos.
Spain did pay for Columbus, right? Expect a connection. This is a Church issue rather than an Italian issue of course.
The gods employ their “middle management” tactic, as we all witness. Expect their positioning to continue into the past::::
I’ve mentioned before the “seamless” transistion between Cleopatra and Julius Ceasar. Perhaps they position this as if there was contact with Pharroh and they gave management duties to Egypt, who went on to use Italy, the Catholic Church, etc. in the course of their management.
Of course none of this is true, but it was utilized extensively during the 20th century. They may continue witrh this scapegoatting, “middle management” positioning::::Milky Way quadrant, Milky Way, universal quadrant, universal. They are effective tactics, ensuring people do not become god-fearing.
Sadly, consistant with the deterioration of society, necessary for justification, today people KNOW the gods run the show, and illustrating the evil they employ on the disfavored corrupts people very badly. They think god is evil, and they behave consistant with that belief. Now we have a planet on a collision course with the Apocalypse, and the gods set it all up perfectly that now it is justified.

Inflation is artificial. The gods control pricing and valuation of securities::::Much as we witness with the crash of the dollar so could we witness this behavior within other dynamics of the economy, paving the way for justification.
The economic abandonment by their clone host tools is a very real possibility. The gods can easily “reassign” them, placing them into the economy which they played a part in destroying, ironically.
Consistant with their methodology the gods will bring it all to a head simultaneously. We very well may witness this possible Chinese invasion in the aftermath.

“There’s “four digits” (placement’s age) involved in this thing.” High 1000s, ie Roman?

WHEN THEY TAKE CHILDREN THEY HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME “GOD-LIKE”, for ASEXUALITY IS SUPERIOR. This is the optimal ascention senario and represents the highest life form possible.
2.wav::::Immortality. The very first sound file AND the point where my audience should have extracted from this theater.

No man has the ability to listen to your thoughts or speak to you. Only their technology has that ability.
The computer IS god. The gods are the inventors, so many trillions of years ago. And the computer manages us all.

Literal translation of the Bible:::The gods have a sense of humor, and they love to give the “intelligencia” a hard time, leaving them dissallusioned and shamed when they learn the truth.

The gods use their tools to attack the Southern man, be it alcohol, the celebration of smoking, the complete devotion to guns and resistance, and their adoration of speed and horsepower. “There’s all kinds of stuff.” Paternalistic superiority. Celebration of the Prohibition era/illegal bootlegging as culture. The masculinization of women. Celebration of “Stars and Bars”. Their perpetual music genre. Carnivoristic preferences. The celebration of infidelity. Their head-strong nature.
The gods used the 1980s televangelist incidents to promote godlessness among these people, a blow they couldn’t afford to take.
Reality check:::The gods have it out for you. At least I hope this breaks that ice and helps you understand the task before you. You should be very alarmed that the gods have chose to employ such extensive use of temptation in an otherwise rural region.
I suspect your numbers won’t be good due to your grave disfavor.
The more god-fearing you are, the more religious you are about attending service, the more modest and humble and the recognition that women are your superior will all go a LONG WAY towards the gods finding mercy enough to allow help.


The god’s intent with Horrible::::They’ll being me back in the Preditor clone host for the MarijuanaErradicationProgram “gone awry”, ironically putting the disfavored’s 20th century enemies in black and Latino clone hosts for this genocide event.
Glock is Austrian. The gods already used the Austrians for black genocide once.

You need to understand the subtle, inferred way the gods communicate to people and begin to trust it::::::
The tiger killed the Latino. Now you understand where the gods hold Latinos in their heirarchy.
And expect both Muslims AND Hindus to be ranked above the unrespectable Catholics, incidentally.
Is this a clue to try to help them understand the gods hold them in such low regard? Is this a clue to Latinos to NOT fall into the same mindset which they sold to blacks? Of course ignorant blacks think they’re great. Quite the opposite it true:::The Black Panthers are part of that “upper incisor of The Beast” clue, designed for ripping and tearing flesh.
Don’t be surprised if they are offering foreshadowing with this event. They may be sharing that Latinos will be very poorly represented while Hindus/Indian Muslims will take a painful hit.
Perhaps it means if Latinos don’t ascend before the Apocalypse they won’t be going.

I made the zoo a winter wonderland. I’d trust the relevance here.
They parked Wilma on top of the southwest part of Cozumel FOR TWO FULL DAYS for the same reason, but with far more destructive results.

If god tells you to stop going to church you should be very afraid. This means you have fallen into great disfavor and you are no longer welcome.
Keep going to church. Children need the moral compass this education gives them.


Like other groups the gods have offered temptations the Chinese must avoid. There are specific temptations targetted to the Chinese, very concerning in light of god’s Manifest Destiny positioning:::Exploiting the corporate establishment allows the gods to position exclusion:::
1. Piracy (movies, software, etc).
2. Gambling, very popular among Asians (unrespectability).
Chinese censorship is an important benefit the gods bestowed. The communisit government protects the people from damaging media, so destructive in the West and particularly the United States:::Our 9-year-old children are free to view internet pornography, allowing the gods to justify creating disturbing pathologies with Artificial Intelligence as the children age.
These strict enviornments help the disfavored think correctly, foster fear, enabling them to have an improved relationship with the gods, the “kings with the iron fist” in the sky.
In an environment like theirs it is relatively easy to identify the corruptors among them:::Knowingly or not they actively lobby against this environment which seeks to preserve the China of old. Use these clues as you would the god’s geographic clues, Italy’s Boot and the Scandanavian penis, and avoid the god’s tools of corruption.


The gods want to play both sides of the coin.
It is very important the gods maintain this perception of “middle management”, for if people knew management was just the gods and their computer they would become very frightened, and this fear would help them to think correctly.
They would be on the “fast-track” to salvation.
The gods created this environment specifically to defeat this and work very hard to maintain it.
People without hope think god is evil and believe evil is the way. This is called “segmentation”. They don’t see the importantce of temptation nor the god’s role or methodology in punishment::::Ironically the gods DON’T punish evil for their wickedness because they are not wanted and don’t want them to receive the feedback punishment would provide.
I hope people in Enterprise, Alabama have become “god-fearing”, experiencing the wrath of god firsthand. Sadly, the gods will use tactics to ensure they don’t become god-fearing, telling many of them that because the tornado was because of me they “earned” and now I have to “bring them up”.
The gods lie freely. They will say anthing in the context of temptation. If people in Enterprise understood this they would be more likely to overcome this temptation and become god-fearing. Sadly most believe what they are told and this precious opportunity will pass without effect.
Temptation is very important. “Heaven” is an exclusive place and you can’t get in for free.


This entire event was something special, and consistant with segmentation they lied to different disfavored based on their chances :::Saved or The Damned.
To The Damned I am an enemy of the Roman Empire, someone to be destroyed and used, and if the disfavored found that acceptable it worsened their lot, costed them hope and was a clue any recovery would be a very tough road to hoe.
The saved saw other clues, boss, natural calamities, and it gave rise to me as a possible historical figure. The gods offered clues that neither “savior” nor “new king of Earth” was possible, for Christianity positioning is going to be fulfilled and Earth has to die.
I don’t think we were ever talking about Second Coming of Christ in public circles, for this would have implied The End and that would have compelled people to freak. But in the context of private positioning, perhaps to clone hosts in The Beast, certainly to me, there may have been some connection::::
Jesus of course was Jew, and they positioned this was a competition, reasoning “Since the Jews got Jesus they get this too.”, and that’s why I was hired by the Jew. Expect this was a way to enhance the theater among the disfavored.
So positioning states by delivering me to these New Roman Empire monsters they knew I’d get fucked, and in the process forfeit this historical role, to the Jews, perhaps an Italian, for Italians granted “charity wealth” to Jews for planning/implimenting WWII and the Holocaust.
In light of this “New Roman Empire”, since Christianity’s HQ is in Rome expect the Italians played some part in this historical, religious context.
They suggested this event may already may have happened. If so this was the FAKE battle of good and evil, FAKE battle between the Second Coming of Christ and the Anti-Christ. They suggest the phoniness about it which was communicated to the disfavored telepathically was a clue. Ironically, this Situation is the REAL battle of good and evil, me vs. the gods.
When the REAL battle of the Second Coming of Christ and Anti-Christ occurrs it will be theater, a staged event, and the Second Coming of Christ will “lead out” a pre-selected group, all of whom sign on to the god’s Christianity positioning, ironically incurring evil by participating and limiting their time in the process.
Italians:::”(We’re all that. We deserve Second Coming.)” And they’re going to get it.
The Boot will fuck you yet again::::People know Jesus isn’t the son of god, yet this is what the Bible dictates as requirement to be saved.
Those whom the Second Coming will “lead out” will be a pre-selected group. But the “hangers on”, people who think they will be included by claiming to be believers will be disappointed. They will be mislead, left behind, The Boot’s final victims on Planet Earth.
This is unimportant, irrelevant, because much like the creation of the perception of “savior” around Jesus to distract from his original purpose the gods used their tools to create this theater around me to prevent the disfavored from learning what I teach:::The Boot has fucked the disfavored twice, once when they ruined life in the 20th century, again when they were used to CHEAT you out of the Final Prophet.
The gods use their tools to impliment their script then punish them for falling for temptation. Welcome to the pathology of the gods.

Of couse when the gods hurt the disfavored there is “help” associated with the “back-hand”, and using their tools to ruin my credibility ensured people wouldnt be receptive and the gods wouldn’t have to position a Manifest Destiny response. This allows the gods to string the disfavored along for years as well.
I believe they wanted to wait until 2006, when this thing really got going and the gods opened up to me, to contrast it with the 1906 event.

Of course without their technology the gods are just wicked bastard wannabees, for they can’t conceive positioning this complex and brilliant. Nor execute it.
Without this technology that is god they are nothing.

“They don’t live here anymore.” Better not have thrown the bodies away when you got the last brain residents out. I’m going to want them. And the brains that resided therein, too.
They shared PIC was a big believer in bio-technology. They’ve mentioned before that they spend millions on their products, assumably to distribute them to employees who are pushed into crossing the clients. This is a good example of the total lack of empathy of Italians. “We told you we put real monsters around you.” You suck.wav:::They should no longer be alive.
“They buried the expenses.” Well they’re not going to be listed as expenses on income statements. Be aware it could be buried within the context of their gangster ownership group.
PIC is a good example proving they use me as a “savior” corruptor::::
“Savior” corruptor can take many forms. I can be like a Jesus savior, where I give access and they fix their problems, or I can be a sacrificial savior, attacked because my purpose counters the god’s efforts. Considering how so many think it is about attention expect they used both based on what segment the disfavored fall within (saved (“attention” says good savior) or The Damned (prey on me, ruin the Final Prophet and “earn”.)).
PIC likley used these products on too many people (before the boss era’s GREAT attention, likely), among other evils, and wasn’t going because of it. The gods used this to create the perception of savior, for PIC wasn’t going to ascend unless he preyed on me and played a part in destroying the Final Prophet:::The Boot fucks you twice.
Due to PIC’s ethnicity their evil should be relatively easy to discover, unlike the non-Italians placed in this Situation.
Bio-technology is a good example of how the god’s offensives fuck everyone involved::::The proprietor dishing out the bio-technology product to the employee, the receiver who’s health is destroyed, the bio-technology employees who create the evil and the investors who capitalize off the phenominal returns. Because retirement plans are able to bury their many losers, many contrived to force the issue upon pension plans, these investments became very popular. Similarly, earlier in the 20th century the gods tested proprietors by creating problems where a bio-technology product’s response was a legitimate temptation.

People get confused because the gods have successfully buried this Italian Manifest Destiny positioning, sadly with my help. Now people think that era is over. In many cases they understand they’re addressing the trillions-years-old computer, yet discount the god’s positioning of Manifest Destiny.
Chinese piracy of movies and software ocurrs to justify their disposal come Judgement Day. This can be taken as a clue proving Manifest Destiny positioning. There are lots of examples like this throughout the world.
Just like Sigmund Freud’s psychoananlysis, just like Christianity, Manifest Destiny is positioning that the gods intend to enforce. As a result the gods are able to hide behind this positioning and maintain the lie that is the “absentee Christian god” when it is them in fact doing it to you with their (clone host) tools in place.

They share that people don’t believe this, people don’t give it credibility now.
The bio-technology product AIDS was given to both those who died and survivors. The gods not only control who is affected but they can also can create it without that justification that is the actual bio-technology product, but as I said the god’s offensives fuck everyone involved and this is a good example, for clients, employees, recipients and investors all will be punished for their evil.


There have been many changes in India over the last 20+ years, most surrounding Westenization.
Too many still don’t understand Westernization is a bad thing, a way the gods abuse the disfavored and level the playing field for all, ensuring their script is justified.
My advice is to keep fresh in your memory the old ways, for the gods illustrate that “new is evil” while “old is good”.
Beware their corruptors. They placed them throughout society as America emerged and became strong. Don’t let them weaken your moral fortitude. The gods placed them then use Artificial Intelligence to telepathically reinforce this corruption. This is their purpose. If you can identify these individuals you can avoid them and protect yourself from a corrupting environment.
Earth is where the gods test people. People from India are lucky enough to have received “extra time” to ascend before the gods employed all these corrupting elements. This means the old ways are still fresh in your mind. Never forget them because they can help you.

They share Hindus (and Muslim from India as well) are being corrupted by money.
Don’t forget my example::::Infanticide justifies Chinese Westernization. Chinese Westernization justifies an American-style “short memory span”.
The Chinese and Asians knew who their enemy was. Thousands of years of warmongering engrained the Japanese as enemies of peace-loving people. However, with the advent of Westernization the gods now are corrupting the Asians, ironically using the Japanese as role models in the process.
They are becoming corrupted. They’ve suggested Indians are being corrupted with money in this new era. The result will be simmilar American-style abuses upon the disfavored.
Between the two countries they make up half of Earths population. The gods are preparing for a full-blown Apocalypse event.

Think about the changes that have ocurred in India in the last 20 years. Better understanding the destructive changes the gods implimented can help you avoid danger.

The Rape of the Sabine Women:::Roman tradition. Rapists, pirates, theifs.
The gods used these animal’s Romanistic pride to employ imperialistic policies in the 20th century.
And take revenge against Roman enemies, germans and Africans.
The Japanese also are warmongers. The difference is the Japanese culture, and this is yet another example one can use to see Asians are god’s favored people.
There is nothing respectable about Romans. They are a joke. Whereas the Japanese culture can save them there is no buoy for the Italians and their history, a legacy based on piracy wihich will determine their fate.
They are Planet Earth’s acceptable losses.

You need to understand the subtle, inferred way the gods communicate to people and begin to trust it.

WHEN THEY TAKE CHILDREN THEY HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME “GOD-LIKE”, for ASEXUALITY IS SUPERIOR. This is the optimal ascention senario and represents the highest life form possible.
2.wav::::Immortality. The very first sound file AND the point where my audience should have extracted from this theater.

Joe Kennedy WAS a gangster who “took the high road”::::This and his child becoming president was used as a hard-core corruptor of the Irish.
Then of course JFK got the US involved in the Vietnam War, used to hurt the Irish as well.
Of course he was a clone host. Considering the deterioration of society that was to come, planned by the Italians in the 20s and 30s, don’t be surprised if the gods cycled them through the JFK clone host for the Vietnam event.
JFK is “celebrated” like Martin Luther King, Jr., a clue. They force Ronald Reagan as well. These are all clues.

Don’t forget::Jesus had a good life. I did not. This could be temptation, lack of empathy a hurdle, or it can be taken as sign, a clue I am being groomed for something a little more disciplinarianistic.

Black popular culture has embraced the charecteristics of their victimizers:::The “thug life”.
“Drive-by shootings” origins are Italian.
The gods will reincarnate sexist men as pigs.

Cartoon in editorial ridiculing W, standing in front of a depiction of a god of fertility, for bringing his message of abstenence to a hypersexual people.
Black people are their own worst enemy. Their goodies have gotten them into big trouble.
They’ve shared they got something special and they threw it away. Expect this focus on their goodies to have intiated this change, however long ago.
Consistant with their methodology, perhaps there is some truth to this “You’re really #1.” positioning they sell to blacks. Once.
Recall I recently brought up the possible Manifest Destiny-positioned Chinese invasion of the United States upon economic abandonment by their clone host tools (economic destruction and deterioration.mp3). They have mentioned this in years past.
Newspaper just made a curious one day change where they combined the sports and business sections, and to properly read the business section you need to read “backward”.
Like Asian languages.
I’ve recently stated how the gods will use the Japanese as role models to the Chinese as China becomes increasingly Westernized.
If we do witness a Chinese invasion on American soil don’t be surprised if the very same tactcs the Japanese employed on the Chinese will be used on us. Lack of empathy is a dynamic the gods will find important in the context of justification.
Recall how Americans so frequently laughed at the French for their lack of military response when confronted by the Nazi army. To resist would have been suicide. Their reaction was appropriate. The opposite would be one as we witnessed in Vietnam. These are morbidly disfavored Asians and take great pride in their resistance. The gods DO use their pride in resistance by positioning in appropriate temptation, ensuring minimal sucess.
If events transpire I recommend you respond like the French and not like the Vietnamese. If this is a west coast event it may not have serious effect but if it is nationwide the United States will lose over a hundred million in the South and midwest.

It doesn’t matter. McCain doesn’t have a chance. Osama’s too good. The debates will be one-sided. I can get into the explanation that the gods only use their power to hurt the disfavored, but you’ve already heard it. Consistant with this, expect gas to climb to $4 if not $5 this summer, ensuring the election is delivered to the wrong candidate, just like 2004::::They’ve used the price of gas to punish the people for electing the wrong person.
IN 2000 you didn’t have a choice, and they sent this clue very nicely with poroceedings surrounding the election. But 2004 was different. In an ironic twist it will be just the opposite this year, where the gods use the price of gas to divert you to their prefered candidate.
I like them so much. They’re special.
People don’t understand this issue. They see Osama and think he’s the best candidate because he’s appears to have more favor. Never look for consistancy, for Artificial Intelligence is infinitly dynamic:::They make W sound like an idiot when he speaks for a different reason. Also, “sumbling” and “idiot” likely have separate meanings associated. Sorry. It’s not supposed to be easy.
The gods have their plan and they aren’t going to allow any “do-gooders” interfere with how they intend to proceed:::When they put forth good they create tactics to play off the public’s misconceptions::::Make him stumble over his words, etc. The gods send this clue in the Situation:::I’m trying to help people and they ruin my delivery to ensure the number of people who are receptive is minimized.
Don’t forget::::The gods will create the perception of favor then corrupt the disfavored with it. My example is Mormons who have the appearance of favor. The gods use this to corrupt the others, even use it to enhance the ranks of LDS. And if any of you LDS think that “We’ve changed.” can look to the Catholic Church as the roots of Christianity to help you understand.
Yes both candidates are clone hosts. Yes the gods will switch them out to justify them being good or evil, depending on how the script reads. But much as I explained this “multi-dimentional” thinking is not for you. The gods use this as a corruptor. They’ll sell this, lie to the disfavored and use this as temptation.
“Your child is Hitler. Fuck him over.” is just one example:::If you don’t do the best you can for your children the gods will punish you very harshly.

Males are the disfavored gender. Their sexual drive is punishment. It is artificial, just as the drive for homosexual contact or alcohol. The gods can use this tactic among males whom they don’t like.
Clinton was different. Clinton was a hound. It may be intentional, preditory behavior designed to pave the way for the impeachment event during the crucial years leading up to 2000::::Something for everybody.
All things held equal if he was a real he’d be coming back as a pig. “He still may.” Which one? During his hound years there were DOZENS!!! “We’re not admitting that.” Of course you’re not.

Of course pig doesn’t take much time to mature, guiving the gods great freedom. Incidentally, this is one of the things that historically has made them so appealing to people AND A CLUE ILLUSTRATING THEIR CONSUMPTION AS TEMPTATION.
Pork is temptation, and the gods made it a very appealing proposition.
Kosher is not religious. It is practical dietary law bestowed.

The gods use these preditor clone hosts tools to manage their justification and culpability::::
1. Cycled evil through ____ to justify their script of the distraction in the crucial year of 1998, quite a contrast to the prior years where “good” in the clone host(s) justified the lack of involvement.
2. Employed temptation upon their preditor clone host tools to create/distribute AIDS in Africa, ensuring blame does not fall on them.
Acts of god.wav.
These are two outstanding examples.
These aren’t even real people. They abandoned their bodies, losing their identies in the process, a consequence of succumbing to this temptation.
They’re just entities, brains “floating” around out there until the gods chose to place them into a body. They are sub-human, second-class citizens, inferior individuals, and should be beneath ALL reals
There is a difference between these clone hosts, so many of which abandoned their bodies in the 30s out of desperation (women) or thinking they were “earning” (men), and when the gods take liberties upon the disfavored, not placing a brain in a child until later for stategic purpose. This served as an intense corruptor for those disfavored people. The frequency is higher among the most disfavored among us (Italian, Irish, black, Latino, etc) than people that are not nearly as disfavored.
Think of it in terms of the Black War I::::The gods developed these bodies without brains specifically because they had preditory Italian trash from the mid 20th century whom they wanted to employ poetic justice upon. Becasuse of the indecency of the blacks involved the gods felt taking the liberty was justified. The result was the child that never was.

“You’re ruining it.” People like me lose in the context of Manifest Destiny positioning. This originally happened to me because I AM or are a descendant of one of the germans who invaded 5th century Roman Empire. To enforce decency, no doubt.
Expect this is just how they sold it to the preditory Italian animals who planned WWII and the misery of the 20th century.
Compensation packages.mp3.

Beware of the god’s use of The Boot:::The gods offered us these geographic clues to warn us of danger. Its not relevant anymore. Tell that to the masses of blacks who still celebrate the thug life.
The gods will create the perception of evil rewarded by managing good and evil within their clone host tools then corrupt the disfavored with it.
You are NOT to wash your hands of culpability by role playing your theater in my mind.
If you’re afraid it is a good thing. The gods are helping you think correctly.
Don’t let them corrupt you with patriotism. It’s just another of the god’s tactics.
The gods illustrated their enforcement of Manifest Destiny positioning with the Mother Teresa event in Calcutta.
Prejudice was good for blacks, ironically. It kept them out of trouble:::”Earning” is a lie.
Blacks have forgotten their history. Italians preyed on them in the 20th century. They were slaves. The gods sent Pharroh in to rape, pillage and plunder.
Jews have had a difficult history, but they developed empathy. As a result they tried to help the disfavored with 1492 exodus from Spain, scattered throughout Europe, etc.
Blacks would be wise to examine this and try to emulate Jewish empathy.

The Boot has fucked you twice, once by destroying life in the 20th century, another by costing you the Final Prophet:::The gods got their tools into position then maintain their positioning telepathically with Artificial Intelligence.
The Boot fucked blacks twice, once with the murder and destruction of these supposed Roman enemies, another with the thugification of blacks, resulting in this degenerate black popular culture/society.
I fear the gods intend to use the enemy of peace-loving Asian people, the Japanese, to inflict misery twice:::Once historically, as the warmongers the Japanese have historically been and then once again as role models, held up as the ideal to Asians, corrupted by Westernization and capitalism.
This is the era of telepathic abuse. Whereas before these groups “got their hands dirty” now the gods use their positioning in place to finish the job off::::::
The gods create preferences/request black people embrace the Italian “thug life”.
The gods telepathically execute the elements of this theater, ensuring people aren’t receptive to my message. Much as we see with Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis the gods will enforce their Manifest Destiny positiong as well.
The gods punish Asians for embracing Westernization/capitalism by instructing Artificial Intelligence to use the wealthy Japanese as role models for “profitable” behavior.

Like other groups the gods have offered temptations the Chinese must avoid. There are specific temptations targetted to the Chinese, very concerning in light of god’s Manifest Destiny positioning:::Exploiting the corporate establishment allows the gods to position exclusion:::
1. Piracy (movies, software, etc).
2. Gambling, very popular among Asians (unrespectability).
Chinese censorship is an important benefit the gods bestowed. The communisit government protects the people from damaging media, so destructive in the West and particularly the United States:::Our 9-year-old children are free to view internet pornography, allowing the gods to justify creating disturbing pathologies with Artificial Intelligence as the children age.
These strict enviornments help the disfavored think correctly, foster fear, enabling them to have an improved relationship with the gods, the “kings with the iron fist” in the sky.
In an environment like theirs it is relatively easy to identify the corruptors among them:::Knowingly or not they actively lobby against this environment which seeks to preserve the China of old. Use these clues as you would the god’s geographic clues, Italy’s Boot and the Scandanavian penis, and avoid the god’s tools of corruption.

Dont forget:::PIC was merely talking heads for redwhite&blue, put in the eye of The Beast because I was emerging here. The gods put redwhite&blue in the eye of The Beast to justify my failure, for they positioned these placements in the context of Manifest Destiny positioning.
The gods positioning states that good complained to manifest Destiny and the Situation was the result. To ensure failure Manifest Destiny placed their two most prominent corporations within the same city to ensure a vested interest, guaranteeing my failure.

There is a issue with timing and the beginning of construction of disfavored redwhite&blue’s center, one where this company looks bad.
I personally believe the favored redwhite&blue is the element of favor necessary for my failure, for if it were just the disfavored redwhite&blue involved the gods would have let them fry and we would have had a full-blown prophet event, one where our absentee Christian god emerged and revealed themselves.
In addition favored redwhite&blue had to maintain appearances. Disfavored redwhite&blue is Italian and was VERY involved in the 20th century’s ugliness.
My life was destroyed becuase the gods had to create unrespecability in the context of positioning. Evident by their easily-discovered evil, disfavored redwhite&blue wouldn’t have cared if I was respectable or not, for they were involved in great evil against the respectable.
Favored redwhite&blue is why I am fat. Favored redwhite&blue is why I was sedintary, for if I was respectable the gods wouldn’t have been able to position favored redwhite&blue into the Situation. This is one reason why they got that prior knowledge and constructed their center before the Situaiton began::::Favored redwhite&blue is the TRUE Enforcer.
In case you are still interested in the god’s Planet Earth theater favored redwhite&blue is a MAJOR player, and their favor is significant to justify not only the destruction of my life but the destruction of the Final Prophet and Planet Earth as well::::
Favored redwhite&blue is the true enemy of the peop

16 years ago


Oh yes. Wheeee!

Jason Soon
Jason Soon
16 years ago

Guys, please please please don’t delete no. 5.

It deserves to be preserved in a Museum of Blog Curiosities.

16 years ago

Filthy hypocrite

Truly excellent post , Filthy. One small quibble. You seem to have it for these Italians. I agree with you as they seem to be a bloodthirsty bunch. How would ypu compare them to the French who don’t seem to bathe as often.

One other thing.. are you suggesting we go Kosher even if Italians try to stop it with their irritating pizza delieveries.


16 years ago

Next time I’m in a church I’m going to look up Jesus’ robe and see if it’s true.

Andrew Reynolds
16 years ago

Whoever his is, he has been posting that everywhere he can – try googling “poroceedings surrounding the election”. 17 identical hits, with a long rant at each.

Ken Parish
16 years ago

My goodness. is that the longest blog comment ever? Can anyone point to a longer one? Is there a Guinness Book of Blog Records?

Ken Parish
16 years ago

I hope Graeme Bird doesn’t discover that “this is the era of telepathic abuse”.

16 years ago

does it matter what shade of red white and blue they use?

back on topic, I’m as underwhelmed as patrick with the democratic party selection (and selection process) – but I don’t really see why Obama has some credible moral high ground to occupy. It’s not like his lead in delegates is so obvious, so massive. As for Obama being ‘reform minded’ – oh really? Not from the reporting I’ve seen. Eloquent, charismatic, sure. But is that it?

16 years ago

Yes, but it had to be long Ken, as there’s a ton of heavy hitting going on in there. As filthy, corectly alludes, Italians have a lot to answer for over the last 100 years. But personally, i think he hasn’t been near as hard on the French as they truly deserve it.

Perhaps, filthy ought to do a comment on the frogs and their transgressions.

16 years ago

And I’m as impressed as everyone else with that comment – did a machine write it? Are they testing some new scientology software?

I actually checked – it tops 10k words!

Above all, Why?

16 years ago

Sections repeat themselves a couple of times, Patrick. I’m guessing it’s not a machine, but definitely there’s some ctrl-C ctrl-V work going on.
But let me just say, for the record:

16 years ago

I’m sorry, I nodded off and missed all that Filthy Hypocrite. Could you repeat it? And perhaps go into a little more detail this time as some of your points weren’t, I feel, sufficently fleshed out.

Jason’s right though. It should go in some blog wunderkammer, next to the other pickled oddities.

16 years ago

I started to laugh at around the 2,000 mark. scrolling, scrolling, scrolling. Seems he ran out of steam towards the end however ‘peop’. 10,208 words. What a nut.

16 years ago

some time later . . . definitely a nut.

16 years ago


and you assume he’s male because…….

James Farrell
James Farrell
16 years ago

That weird comment also appears here. The streetwise Jacques will surely have a theory as to what it’s all about.

16 years ago

“and you assume hes male because”

I think that’s a safe assumption. Generally when chicks go crazy, they don’t waste time on wild words or big gestures. They just do direct and personal stuff.

Blokes start shooting at random or obsessively ranting on. Dames set fire to your car, destroy your wardrobe or play your phone messages to your mistress back to your wife.

Or even worse, play ’em back to the ATO or IRS. “From information received, we’ve been led to understand that the $30,000 you’ve been annually deducting for a second office was only for monkey business there. For the past four years. That’ll be $120,000 thanks.”

16 years ago

Plus interest.

16 years ago

Generally when chicks go crazy, they dont waste time on wild words or big gestures. They just do direct and personal stuff.

Ummmm Could be. Since Sam Newman had his cancer scare it reminded me…..didn’t he get run over in his driveway by some chick he was two timing some years ago braking one of his limbs.

16 years ago

“…didnt he get run over in his driveway by some chick he was two timing some years ago braking one of his limbs.”

Yes that happened. Sam Newman, speed bump on the highway of love.

I once had a dame load and shoot my spear gun at me. Fortunately she didn’t do it right which why I’m still alive now to taunt you.

Actually now I think about it, I reckon she deliberately misloaded it anyway, but was still keen to make sure the moment would forever leave my throat in my mouth and my rectum considering a quiet life on Easter Island.

Anyway I learnt a valuable lesson that day. Always erase your answering machine messages before you go out to bring the other one back to your pad.

Andrew Reynolds
16 years ago

Or just do not two-time. Ask Eliot Spitzer for advice on that.