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16 years ago

It’s a gee-up Judging from the list of ‘interests’ I’d say the guy was just slightly wacko.

16 years ago

Niall’s right. He’s taking the piss – but it’s clearly suckered a few people in the comments.

Maurie Joyce
Maurie Joyce
16 years ago

Nicholas Stick to economic and social commentary. You’re among the best at that. Rocca is a hopeless log.
I still can’t work out why someone as brilliant as you barracks for Collingwood.

Maurie Joyce

JJ Jones
JJ Jones
16 years ago

yes, he’s serious – also apparently Obama’s going to announce a re-issue of Swift’s ‘A Modest Proposal’ as a foreign aid policy.

Nick, this, together with your Maureen Dowd-deafness, establishes your credentials as a purveyor of the dismal science. So for future ref, if it looks like a joke, it most likely is.

Gummo Trotsky
Gummo Trotsky
16 years ago


I’d suggest that the co-author of a book on “how the Republicans can win the working class and save the American Dream” shouldn’t be taken too seriously when he’s suggesting interesting candidates for the Democrats to run. Regardless of whether he’s writing in earnest.

16 years ago

I actually agree that it is not glaringly obviously a hoax. But this part seems to give the game away, especially the first phrase which is beyond hyperbole:

Just as Abraham Lincoln[!!] condemned America for its grave sins while calling for the nation to live up to its highest ideals, Wright’s willingness to forcefully attack American injustice doesn’t mean he believes the country is beyond redemption. As a pastor with long experience in a distressed corner of the country, he would bring a unique perspective to Washington. In foreign policy, he would align America’s interests with those of revolutionary states in the Third World [ie Venezuala and Burma], perhaps [code for certainly not] shaking up the geopolitical environment in constructive ways. Wright’s trusted comrade Louis Farrakhan [damnation by association] might play a key role, perhaps as defense secretary [If the author is serious, by this point, he is somewhat madder than a march hare].

16 years ago

Bingo, GT

16 years ago

Now I’m wondering if I haven’t gone mad. It’s pretty obvious that the author is trying to be funny, isn’t it?