Art and Architecture Life Literature Media Anecdote of the week Nicholas Gruen July 2, 2008 From this site, via Kathy G, regarding Charlie Chaplin. They were dreadfully poor. Charlie's parents were third-string strolling players. His father died early of alcoholism;...
Economics and public policy Environment Politics - national Stimulating energy innovation Ken Parish July 2, 2008July 3, 2008 Toyota Prius - not as green as it seems, but the forthcoming "plug-in" one might be If there's a certain bet flowing from last weekend's Gippsland...
Economics and public policy History Hayek and innovation Nicholas Gruen July 2, 2008 In an interesting post a day or so ago Ken Parish made this claim, which went largely unchallenged (though I've not read all the comments)....
Economics and public policy Some more on those ‘ecological’ public goods Nicholas Gruen July 2, 2008 With the departure of Andrew Leigh from the blogosphere and from the AFR, the AFR have asked me to step into his outsize shoes. So...
Uncategorised Missing Link’s mid-year holiday Ken Parish July 2, 2008 Gummo is sick, Amanda doesn't have computer access at the moment, Jen is under the hammer to finish assignments for her Masters, and I'm not...