We’ve always had a pretty laissez faire attitude towards commenting at Club Troppo. Contrary to the impressions of some, we have only ever banned two or three persistent trolls, and only ever delete comments that are persistently abusive or defamatory.
However, there have been a few persistent trolls of recent times who have shown us that the banning system doesn’t work well by itself. Accordingly we’ve decided to implement the WordPress registration utility for commenters. I expect this will mean that everyone including longtime commenters (but perhaps excluding existing registered “users”??) will need to complete a once-only registration process to be able to post comments here.
We really hope you grit your teeth and take the time to complete the process, because we value your comments and the open, thoughtful, and mostly mutually respectful debate that takes place here.
You’d probably be registered already if you comment at Catallaxy, I believe. let’s see.
I guess I just hoping – it springs eternal – that there was a better registration system around that you guys might be using. One that doesn’t email new passwords in the clear should you forget it, as I did just now. What a shemozzle; I am beginning to be as contemptuous of WP as yourself, Jacques.
Talking about comments, I have just heard that The Media Report will running a report tomorrow about the colourful nature of the blogsphere commentary.
I’ve had to reset mine, Jacques. There wasn’t any indication that it was temporary but I was invited to write a new post….
Jacques, at #2 LP doesn’t at the moment require registration.
Oh, and the arithmetic question for registration? That should itself defeat a few of the trolls I’m thinking of.
I’ve seen arithmetic tests a few times now – and I have to ask WHY? Since when have humans been better than computers at arithmetic? Even if they use images, OCR when you’re only looking for digits and a few arithmetic operations is pretty straightforward.
I just tried it again (after noticing that there’s no link to the wp-admin page from the main page, which appears to be the only place you can log-out and hence re-register from), and the question is in plain text:
“Please enter the result: 20 – 11”
I copied “20 – 11” into Google, and incredibly it told me the answer was 9.
If there aren’t already bots that can detect and correct pass such arithmetical CAPTCHA tests then my faith in the ingenuity of hackers has been shattered…
Testing… logged in as Troppo author, seeing if it works :)
I am constantly amazed by the tolerance of incivility.
For me, it’s desirable to have contrary opinions.
It is unacceptable to attack the holders of the contrary ideas.
Personally I am more than willing to put up with the minor inconvenience of registering in order to have a blog that explores a wide range of opinions in a civilised fashion.
Shut up Mr T – you’re an idiot. ;)
Thanks for your help, NPOV. I was hoping someone would give away the answer so I could cut and paste it in and get on the blog again.
Jacques, I have to say it would surprise me that bots wouldn’t run javascript, as it takes all of 3 lines of code under .NET at least to request I.E. to load up a webpage and return back the resulting HTML after all javascript etc. has been run.
“I am more than willing to put up with the minor inconvenience of registering in order to have a blog that explores a wide range of opinions in a civilised fashion.”
Registration won’t do anything for that. See umpteen other blogs.
seriously, it takes four minutes to set up an email account, it’s hardly the Great Wall of China.
Look, my point seems to have been taken up to a degree by a range of commentators, even as they were damning me in some cases. A blog like Troppo isn’t just a free-for-all – it has a de facto magazine/conversation approach in that posts are oriented and responsive to current events, new books, films etc, or events in a contributor’s life. To maintain quality and readability and standard, there’s an implicit expectation that someone will try and fuse their obsessions with the wider world.
Rafe’s travelling Austrian roadshow isn’t that at all – it’s like the last member of the Henry George league, somehow bringing a single tax on property or water fluoridation at any conceivable point. Cranks and obsessives will always drive out the vital centre, because they only have one thought in their head
Still, hey, yours to screw up