Media The game has begun: Obama’s recession Nicholas Gruen November 14, 2008 Is there any left wing version of this? Is there any Australian version of it? Perhaps Alan Jones' malevolence comes close on the Australian right....
Uncategorised A National Information Policy: Free Seminar Nicholas Gruen November 14, 2008 Those in Canberra on the appropriate day might like to come to a free seminar being run by the Queensland University of Technology which is, like...
Uncategorised The maestro Nicholas Gruen November 14, 2008 With intended irony, I christen Paul Krugman the maestro of the column. Here's his latest one. I've only read the first two paragraphs but they...
Literature Troppo’s vision statement anyone Nicholas Gruen November 14, 2008 Troppo has never had a vision statement. I loathe and abhore them. Indeed I regard them as just so much recriment. Which makes me suggest...
Economics and public policy Politics - international A good column from the New Republic Nicholas Gruen November 14, 2008November 14, 2008 Why Obama Should Copy Bush (Really!) By Jonathon Cohn You hear lots of talk about which former president Barack Obama should use as a model....