Those in Canberra on the appropriate day might like to come to a free seminar being run by the Queensland University of Technology which is, like the State in which it resides a national leader on access to public sector information. Extracts from the official invite sent round by QUT below:
Towards a National Information Strategy, focusing on the relevant recommendations of the Review of the National Innovation System, which will take place in Canberra on Wednesday, 19 November 2008.
The aims of the seminar are to outline the need for a National Information Strategy and to encourage informed debate about the necessity to grasp this opportunity to re-invigorate innovative activity in Australia.Professors Brian and Anne Fitzgerald, who are respectively internationally recognised experts on intellectual property and e-commerce law (which includes open access law and policy) and Dr Nicholas Gruen from Lateral Economics will be speaking at this Seminar and they will provide a strong focus on the recommendations in the Review of the National Innovation System relating to the need for a National Information Strategy.
This seminar should be of benefit to and brought to the attention of all policy officers and managers involved in information (data) management, economists and government lawyers.
Attached is the Seminar Agenda so that potential attendees can get a flavour of what the seminar will be like. This seminar is timely given the Federal Governments requirement to respond to the Review.
It looks like the seminar will be held at the Hyatt, but if you are attending and haven’t got a clarification, feel free to email me – which if you don’t have my email you can do by commenting below.