Troppo has never had a vision statement. I loathe and abhore them. Indeed I regard them as just so much recriment. Which makes me suggest that we can hold a competition for a Troppo vision statement which contains a good smattering of a bunch of archaic English words that some English people are trying to bring back to life and usage. Sounds a bit twee to me, but a some of the words have an agrestic charm whilst others are both fubsy and reborant. The prize? Well I’ll come up with something.
The words are below the fold.
abstergent: cleansing or scouring
agrestic: rural, rustic, unpolished, uncouth
apodeictic: unquestionably true by virtue of demonstration
caducity: perishableness, senility
caliginosity: dimness, darkness
compossible: possible in coesistence with something else
embrangle: to confuse or entangle
exuviate: to shed (a skin or similar outer covering)
fatidical: prophetic
fubsy: short and stout, squat
griseous: streaked or mixed with grey, somewhat grey
malison: a curse
mansuetude: gentleness or mildness
muliebrity: the condition of being a woman
niddering: cowardly
nitid: bright, glistening
olid: foul-smelling
oppugnant: combative, antagonistic, or contrary
periapt: a charm or amulet
recrement: waste matter, refuse, dross
reborant: tending to fortify or increase strength
skirr: a whirring or grating sound, as of the wings of birds in flight
vaticinate: to foretell, prophesy
vilipend: to treat or regard with contempt
Surely Floccinaucinihilipilification (the act of estimating as worthless) should be in the list, as you guys so often do “The Emperor Has No Clothes” things and this fits in with many others!
I vaticinate that many of these words are compossible. This is fatidical