Around (some of) the blogs

Tim Blair reports on Yvonne Ridley the British journalist who converted to Islam after being kidnapped by the Taliban who has won a case for unfair dismissal against the Islam News Channel. Earlier in the year she won nearly £14,000 in damages after winning a four-year unfair dismissal case against Arabic TV station al-Jazeera. She now works for Iranian-based PressTV.

Skepticlawyer blogs on the Gaza strip and Legal Eagle meditates on parenthood.

Andrew Bolt and The Currency Lad are on holiday.

Pete Boettke blogs on a paper by Jon Elster, one of his favorite social scientists, along with Kenneth Boulding, Thomas Schelling and Albert Hirschmans. “Excessive Ambitions” is a new working paper that is a “timely critique of formalistic models of maximizing behavior and perfect competition as well as standard statistical analysis in the social sciences”.

Peter Klein at Organizations and Markets suggests that Paul Krugman has some problems in understanding the Austrian theory of the business cycle.

Andrew Norton comments on the submissive attitude adopted towards the OECD and its “indicators” of performance by the Bradley Report on higher education.

Thinking out Aloud (Michael Warby) posts a collection of science and technology stories.
Terry Pratchett is slipping away, a bit at a time.
Truly spectacular photographs from the Hubble telescope.
A study found that octopi are bright but have no personality.
A British MP wants to cooperate with the Obama administration to content-rate websites.
About faecal contamination and the human aversion to waste and rot.
About the male-female gap in mathematics and differences between nations.
Report suggests that pollution is feminising lots of species, including homo sapiens.
Giant squid stops traffic in Wellington.

Nothing new on The Real Game or The History of Australian and New Zealand Thought.

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