Art and Architecture Films and TV The Reader Nicholas Gruen February 13, 2009 I've just been to see the film, and I'm afraid I wasn't impressed. It is of a piece with 'Doubt' which is very well acted...
Economics and public policy IT and Internet Copyright, exclusive ownership, Web 2.0 and fighting bushfires Nicholas Gruen February 13, 2009February 13, 2009 A column published today in the Age. Its all shoulders to the wheel on the fires. Or is it? On the weekend, Google, the largest...
Uncategorised Copyright and innovation: from the ‘give me a break department’ Nicholas Gruen February 13, 2009 [caption id="" align="alignright" width="262" caption="Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos displays the Kindle 2 e-book reader at an event Monday."][/caption]"They don't have the right to read a...