Black to play

Well the previous puzzle seems to have intrigued a few people.  This one is dead difficult (for people of fair average stupidity such as myself anyway).  Black plays two important moves.  The first is the one I guessed.  The second I wouldn’t have guessed in a million years, but once the move is played, it’s all over (Red Rover!).  If I’ve successfully removed the link to the game, I’ll post it in a couple of days. 

Black to play

26. …?
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15 years ago

A guess:
26… h5-h4

27. g3-g4, Q-g5.

Though it seems to lose because black immediately wins a bishop. But maybe black will be able to crack open the kingside and have a mating attack?

John Quiggin
John Quiggin
15 years ago

I got it, but I see you’ve already posted the answer.