Alex Sloan at ABC Canberra and I have a chat on air about fortnightly usually corresponding to one of my columns. We had a chat on Adam Smith and the Theory of Moral Sentiments last Thursday and I was in some trepidation that I might become rather incoherent as the ideas are quite subtle. And explaining Smith’s concept of sympathy – which though the best ‘translation’ is the one he uses himself, fellow-feeling – it somehow sounds sentimental and unconvincing that this could be a powerful social force. Also Alex wanted to talk about Jane Austen which added a possibly new degree of difficulty. Anyway, it all worked out well I think, though you may disagree!
I’ll check it out after work tonight. bur don’t see what the dog’s dilemma is – most blogging (my own included) could be described as pointless incessant blogging.
And tell Alex i am available for interviews, specially after the success of my monthly more or less guest appearances on 2XX.
But my philosophy is probably a little off putting to soem of her listeners. A brief discussion of the ideas of Marx would be possible and all sort of intellectual and non-threatening.
I like Alex’s program a lot.