Humour Music Billy Joel is a pretty amazingly talented guy Nicholas Gruen June 6, 2009June 7, 2009 Billy Joel Masterclass Concert 2001 (Pt.2 of 12) Uploaded by denimel. - Watch more music videos, in HD! If you click through to the source,...
Economics and public policy Cool kid of the week Nicholas Gruen June 6, 2009June 6, 2009 Who doesn't like awards? When Alexander first went to school becoming Cool Kid of the Week was pretty much the major priority. After having earned...
History Should frontier wars be commemorated in the War Memorial? Nicholas Gruen June 6, 2009 [caption id="" align="alignright" width="800" caption="Will Longstaff's thoroughly spooky and fabulous Menin Gate at Midnight. If you haven't seen it in the AWM, go now, right now!"][/caption] A...
Chess Very clever . . . Nicholas Gruen June 6, 2009 White to play J Klinger vs Blatny 36. ? See game for solution. I really don't want to turn this into a chess blog. So this...