Humour Life And now from the global movement against euphamism comes . . . Nicholas Gruen June 3, 2009June 4, 2009 Shit Box Cardboard crapper Click to enlarge Little Jack - Blue Little Jack - Pink In Stock £14.99 Shit Box In Stock £15.99 Show prices...
Economics and public policy Debt for Development Makes Sense say 21 Prominent Australian Economists Nicholas Gruen June 3, 2009June 3, 2009 The statement below appeared in the AFR today, and I've been travelling all day so hadn't had a chance to put it up. In Paul...
Economics and public policy Philosophy Religion Usury James Farrell June 2, 2009June 4, 2009 From Usury Condemned (1643) by John Blaxton At a seminar yesterday the speaker described his project as one of discovering the conditions for an economy...