Remember me? That grumpy old bloke who once obsessively spewed forth half-baked opinions here at Troppo? After being AWOL for some time a comeback of sorts seems imminent. I’m experiencing fitful urges to post, usually on very silly topics like whether Jen may have committed reportable child abuse by forcing young Jessica to watch KRudd being quizzed by members of James Farrell’s dumb generation on Q & A.
Pending one of these strange mental formations actually crystallising into a semi-coherent blog post, I’m warming up by making a major CT housekeeping announcement. After deep introspection between Nicholas Gruen and myself, we’ve decided to abolish (on a trial basis) the requirement for readers to register before making comment box contributions. It’s a decision we might come to regret, but our subjective impression is that the incidence of truly destructive trollery has been significantly reduced across the ozblogosphere in recent times. It may be that the loss of spontaneity and freedom that inevitably flow from forcing readers to register before they can participate in discussion is a price we no longer need pay. Anyway, time will tell …
Speaking as someone you foolishly let register, yay :)
Welcome Back Ken,
Trolls have moved to twitter too. Certainly boring TV shows like #QandA are more fun when following their twitter hashtag.
This is a good move. The comment threads on troppo used to be very interesting, but dropped off markedly after requiring registration.
Welcome back, Ken. Hope you start writing more soon.
A good decision! You can always delete troll comments anyway.
What a bunch of fuckwits.
(Oops sorry I didn’t realise I was registered).
I’ve registered about 3 times over the last year or so but can still never log in.
Thank. God.
Dit. To.
Good move!! Like others, I too have been unable to post despite being registered?!
No, comments function still doesn’t seem to be working for me.
If nobody can read this, could they let me know?
I can read it fine.
You’re a cruel man Nabs.
Sometimes when you walk out on a tropical golf course and a big fat cane toad is sitting right where you’d place your tee, it’s awfully hard not to pull out a driver instead of the iron the situation should demand.
I’d go with the sand wedge myself. Less walking to the next lie.
I’ll pay that one Gummo Hogan.
Mind you, if you’re not keeping score there’s a lotta fun to had thrashing around in a sandtrap with a sturdy piece of metal and a small immobile target.