Introducing Julia Thornton

I’d like to introduce Julia Thornton to Troppodillians. IJulia is involved in the Accountability Roundtable has been dropping in to Troppo for a while now and judging by threads like these is formidably well read in a range of areas. Now speaking as one of the chief bloviators here at Pontification Central I’d just like to say that we don’t normally like people to know too much about what we’re talking about here. It just puts unnecessary pressure on us in this relentless chase for eyeballs. But despite my better judgement I shot Julia an email and suggested that if she were ever cogitating, she would be welcome to pontificate here shortly afterward.

I’ve previously hoisted a guest post of hers on LobbyLens up on Troppo.  Julia is a Research Associate at RMIT University, has qualifications in Program Evaluation and a Masters in Social Science and is currently taking time off from work to complete a PhD on Sensemaking with the technology of online learning in Academic teaching: a study of the interaction between academic teaching staff and the RMIT Learning Management System –“Blackboard”. She’s also trained and worked in Early Childhood Education,

Anyway, there you have it.  I don’t know if Julia will be a prolific or very occasional poster, but she has the keys to the platform, so I hope we see her next post soon.

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