Sarah Palin talks to Glenn Beck

Well, North Korea, this is stemming from I think, a greater problem when we’re all, you know, sittin’ around askin’, ‘Oh, no, what are we gonna do,’ and we’re not having a lotta faith that the White House is gonna come out with a strong enough policy to sanction what it is North Korea is gonna do, so this speaks to a bigger picture that certainly scares me in terms of our national security policy, but obviously some stand with our North Korean allies we’re bound to by freedom; we’re also bound by prudence to stand with our South Korean allies. And to my North Korea, well, we’re not gonna reward bad behavior and we’re not gonna walk away and we do need to press China to do more to improve pressure on North Korea.

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Pappinbarra Fox
Pappinbarra Fox
13 years ago

IS this person speaking English?

13 years ago

Australia and the USA are two countries divided by a single language – in other words the answer to Pappinbarra Fox is yes and no. Yes she is speaking English – but no it is not english as spoken here

Jacques Chester
13 years ago

She’s a beauty alright.

The Beverage Curve
The Beverage Curve
13 years ago

Its english Jim but not as we know it

derrida derider
derrida derider
13 years ago

This won’t hurt Palin a bit. Dumb people like their politicians to be dumb (non-threatening and genuinely representative of them, you see), and the dumb are her base. The more the “elites” (read: the non-dumb) sneer at her the more committed to her they’ll be.

But even in the US there just aren’t enough dumb people to make her President. I’ve no doubt at all Obama is praying that the Republicans select her.

Thomas the Tout
Thomas the Tout
13 years ago

Well folks, I like her: but I need to know more about her before forming an opinion as to whether I would like her as President of USA.

But it does sadden me to see the ad hominem attacks that appear on this site. When young Parish set up his blog, it was nicely balanced and objective. Some of you still adhere to that principle; many do not.

Thomas the Tout
Thomas the Tout
13 years ago

Greetings Nicholas.
Items 2-5 are ‘fair comment’. #1 might be a snide comment. But today I have gout, and gout makes one grumpy. I dislike Jacques Derrida. So it was that I read derrida derider’s comment as stating that Palin is dumb. On reading it again, she is stating that those who will vote for Palin are dumb. By implication, that could mean 1/2 of the USA voters. Seems to me that derider over-stepped the line.
The anti-gout medication will be working by tomorrow, and so all will be well with the world.
Cheers, Thomas

13 years ago

You do know what ‘derider’ means don’t you Tom?

I think it’s fair to say, as DD did (she’s a he, BTW) that people who vote for a president who is as dumb as Palin either:

>can’t tell because they’re dumb themselves,

>like the fact that she’s dumb because they’re dumb themselves, or

>want a president who is dumber than they are (which would be… dumb!).

Paul Bamford
Paul Bamford
13 years ago

Once in a while, come election time, some misguided politician would try to get Sheriff Petersen’s job, and would be apt to call him things like The Guy With The Built-In Profile or The Ham That Smokes Itself. but it didn’t get him anywhere. Sheriff Petersen just went right on getting re-elected, a living testimonial to the fact that you can hold an important public office for ever in our country with no qualifications for it but a clean nose, a photogenic face, and a close mouth. If on top of that you look good on a horse, you are unbeatable.(Raymond Chandler, The Long Goodbye

The only change in the fifty seven years since those immortal words were written is that now, if you look good with a hunting rifle propped on your hip, and your left foot on the head of either a dead moose or a grizzly bear, you might reasonably think yourself unbeatable. Unless there’s a guy who looks good on a horse running against you.

Paul Bamford
Paul Bamford
13 years ago

And re NG @ 11:

If only it were a matter of (American voters)choosing between dumb presidents and smart presidents. But the choice is more complex. It’s between:

Dumb presidents and smart presidents;
Dumb administrations and smart administrations;
Dumb (and dangerous) ambitions and benign (but smart) ambitions…

… and probably a few more dichotomies I haven’t thought of yet.