From: Nicholas Gruen (Lateral Economics)
Sent: Saturday, 20 November 2010 3:12 PM
To: Assistant
Subject: Qantas BookingHi there,
I purchased the ticket with details below at Mascot Airport and they said they’d send me my invoice by e-mail, but they’ve not done so.
Can you check with me on Tuesday to see if it’s come through and if not please hassle them.
The details are as follows.
Booking reference: 6W63OS
Frequent Flyer No. QF 0093670
Name Mr Nicholas Gruen
From Sydney
To Melbourne
Flight QF451
Fri 19 Nov 10 17:15-18:50Cheers, Nicholas
From: Assistant
Sent: Tuesday, 23 November 2010 3:05 PM
To: ‘Nicholas Gruen (Lateral Economics)’
Subject: RE: Qantas BookingNicholas,
I’ve been on the phone to their call centre on it’s definitely going down as one of my strangest phone calls this week.
They don’t have any record of you being on that flight, the booking reference is coming up as not a valid reference number and they can’t see the flight under your Frequent Flyer number either.
The only other suggestion they had was to log into the web version of your frequent flyer account and see if it’s showing there under ‘my bookings’. I’d do this for you, but don’t know your PIN.I assume you did actually catch this flight? Have the $$ come off your credit card?
Regards, Assistant
From: Nicholas Gruen (Lateral Economics)
Sent: Tuesday, 23 November 2010 3:27 PM
To: Assistant
Subject: RE: Qantas BookingWell here’s my activity statement from my access to the Qantas site as a FF.
Regards, Nicholas
From: Assistant
Sent: Monday, 29 November 2010 12:17 PM
To: ‘Nicholas Gruen (Lateral Economics)’
Subject: RE: Qantas BookingHi Nicholas,
I’ve contacted Qantas again this morning and I’m still having trouble with them.
They’re telling me that they can now see that booking reference number, but that it doesn’t relate to a flight on 19th November – it relates to some other booking made over the internet later in November. I’ve told them I don’t see how this can be the case, given it’s the number quoted on your flight confirmation but they’re adamant and being quite difficult about it.
Unfortunately, they won’t give me any other details or let me deal with this any further because I’m not the account holder and don’t know your Frequent Flyer pin.
Regards, Assistant
From: ‘Nicholas Gruen (Lateral Economics)’
Sent: Monday, 29 November 2010 1:07 PM
To: Assistant
Subject: RE: Qantas BookingThe pin is xxxx
Regards, NicholasFrom: Assistant
Sent: Monday, 29 November 2010 1:16 PM
To: ‘Nicholas Gruen (Lateral Economics)’Subject: RE: Qantas Booking
Okay, thanks.
I have contacted them again and they have managed to locate the booking now.
Apparently their process is now that to issue an invoice after the fact, they have to refer the details to their finance department for processing and email of invoice out to the customer. Unfortunately, this can take a couple of weeks (!! Honestly, what is it with these companies?!) Your request has been lodged today, so it should definitely arrive. Obviously, let me know if it doesn’t.