Anyone looking for a link between my post earlier today on the future of Fairfax and Paul Frijter’s two posts on the Wikileaks saga need go no further than a story just published on both Fairfax sites:
Rudd’s revenge on US
Kevin Rudd retaliates after diplomatic revelations about him, blaming poor US security, not the WikiLeaks founder, for leaks.
This sort of juvenile tabloid nonsense provides another illustration of the reasons for the continuing demise of the Fairfax group. What a choice Australians have in the MSM! An utterly biased blatant manipulator of truth in Murdoch or fatuous foolishness at Fairfax. Rudd is dead right, as I commented on one of Paul’s posts:
However that certainly doesn’t mean Assange should be charged, demonised or assassinated(!!!). What it DOES mean is that the Americans should get their house in order ASAP and tighten up on security so that mass document dumps simply cannot occur. It is said that up to 2 million people potentially had access to the Wikileaks dumped documents, which is just absurd.
The ozblogosphere coverage of Wikileaks is immeasurably superior to that of the Australian MSM. See Anna Winter’s post at LP, (other links to come after I get back from acting as a chauffeur check out this morning’s Twitter-based Missing Link Daily, which contains links to all the blog posts I was going to link here)
Anna Winter’s post should be remembered in any end of year, ‘best of” wishlist.
Not sure that Fairfax can be isolated, the story is over the ABC and Reuters. The whole msm is bubbling.
Ken, I shifted from The Australian to SMH. I now regret it (not that the Australian is any better). The Canberra Times is as bad. As you note, what a choice we have between blatant manipulation of truth (Murdoch) and fatuous foolishness elsewhere.
I think the only Australian paper worth its purchase price is the Fin Review. Its editorial stance is naturally pro-business and conservative (as you’d expect given its audience) but it is the only paper that’s both honest and serious. And most of its op-ed contributors are way more reasoned, fact-respecting and interesting than the others – including those I disagree with.
Hi Ken – there is something not going quite right with LP, and the link to Anna Winter’s post.
I don’t suppose anyone has a copy of it saved in their feed readers that you could cut n paste(with full attribution to AW of course) into the comments here, please???
The site is saying that their domain expired yesterday…
Thanks, e.