The Adobe upgrade blues (bleg)

Adobe and me only barely get on. Their readers keep crashing. Anyway they’ve recently upgraded their reader and in chrome it displays pdf files very much as if they are html files – rather than bringing up the clunky old reader within the browser. All very nice. But there’s a big problem – for me anyway. Now I can’t figure out how to save the pdf files. When I go to ‘save page as’ sometimes it will save a pdf file, but often it saves an html page, and that’s with a big blank on the screen (where the pdf goes). Not helpful, I think you’ll agree. I’ve also tried printing the page as a pdf using my trusty cute pdf program. But that doesn’t work – just producing a pdf of the browser page I can see before me.

Is Adobe really ‘upgrading’ its free reader to degrade its usefulness to force us to buy the full program?  Somehow I suspect a stuff-up rather than a conspiracy.  Can someone please enlighten me (and others) as to how to save pdf files when they open up in my browser now the dinky (and clunky) additional toolbar with a little disc icon no longer loads? I’ve had a bit of a look on the Adobe forum without success. I’m using Chrome, but expect the problem will be the same in other browsers.

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James A
James A
14 years ago

That’s not an Adobe upgrade, that’s a Chrome upgrade that added a built-in PDF reader. To disable it, go to about:plugins and click Disable underneath the entry for Chrome PDF Viewer.

Michael S.
Michael S.
14 years ago

Nicholas I can’t recommend PDF Xchange viewer enough – do away with Acrobat. If you read a lot of pdfs it is much faster and much more stable

14 years ago

Second Michael S. Give it a try, Nicholas . . . . I don’t think you’ll go back.

Peter Patton
Peter Patton
14 years ago

Wow, thanks Nigel, Michael, and Nicholas. I have been having precisely the same Adobe problems as NG, but now they have all gone away.

14 years ago

Are you really surprised that the browser company (amongst other things) makes a better browser than the hardware company (amongst other things)?

I’d be surprised if I made a better economist than you next week whatever the incentives, but not vice versa.