Political theory Uncategorized What is government for? — Paul Ryan’s unanswered question Don Arthur December 5, 2010December 5, 2010 It was billed as a debate over the size of government. But within the first few minutes Congressman Paul Ryan had changed the subject. Focusing...
Missing Link Missing Link Friday – 3 December 2010 Don Arthur December 3, 2010 In this week's Missing Link Friday -- a brilliant idea for reforming the education system, old people, advice about grey hair and the need for...
Law Abolish juries? Ken Parish December 3, 2010December 3, 2010 An article by David Mallard at New Matilda reflects on some observations (canards?) by the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, Lord Judge (!!)...
Law Metablogging Politics - national On bloggers and journalist shield laws Ken Parish December 3, 2010December 3, 2010 Peter Timmins reviews the progress through the Senate (or rather lack of same) of a proposed limited "shield" law to protect the confidentiality of journalists'...
History December the 3rd Richard Tsukamasa Green December 2, 2010December 2, 2010 Today is the anniversary of the battle of the Eureka Stockade. This is not a much remembered date. In fact, it was only brought to...
Politics - Northern Territory Mango madness and letters to the editor Ken Parish December 2, 2010 Letter to the Editor NT News: I don’t hold any brief for the CLP, or Labor for that matter (although I did a long time...
Economics and public policy What you always wanted to know about Hegel but were afraid to ask Nicholas Gruen December 1, 2010 As I've said before, if you want to understand Hegel, for goodness sake don't read what he wrote. You've got to find another way in....