Quote of the week

TONY JONES: The obvious takeaway, political takeaway in Australia, is that you don’t believe your leader, Tony Abbott, your party, your conservative party, has vision.

MALCOLM TURNBULL: Oh, no, I think there is a lot of vision. It’s just a question of whether you agree with it, or whether you find it appealing. And that’s something that, you know, obviously people will decide at the next election.

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13 years ago

There is a lot I like about Turnbull, but he sure is prone to brain explosions. Imagine if he was just a little bit pragmatic.

Mike Pepperday
Mike Pepperday
13 years ago

A couple of years ago I was in someone’s office where there were a lot of politicians’ biographies on the shelves. I was idly glancing over them when I suddenly noticed Turnbull’s face on the spine of a fat biography. What? I looked again and saw it was another Malcolm – Fraser.

But they don’t look alike, do they? They do! They have the same head up, chin out, private school, born-to-rule look.

I have to say, though, that Turnbull does seem to be becoming more likeable – or less dislikeable.

13 years ago

There are many Julia Gillards, but there’s only one Tony Abbott.

Some people like him, some people don’t, but everyone knows what he stands for.

Victor Trumper
Victor Trumper
13 years ago

Yes Tel has an excellent memory.

you know what tony stands for.

On climate change he was against a carbon tax/ETS and then for it and then against it.

He was completely for a GST which had a much bigger impact on the economy than any proposed carbon tax. surely if he ‘believes’ what he is saying about the implications of a carbon tax then he must have been against the GST!

I could go on but there is little point.

Tony is as ‘flexible’ as Julia who are as equally flexible as John Howard was

13 years ago

Tel, everyone knows what Tony Abbott stands for: he stands for Tony Abbott being prime minister. What he would do were this to happen, well, we’re not so clear on that.
He professes to believe whatever his current audience wants him to believe regardless of whether that is diametrically opposed to what he professed to believe 5 years or 5 minutes beforehand.
I do not remember a single other politician being so consistently inconsistent yet seemingly able to get away with it.

13 years ago

Mark, do you remember last Christmas? What about last week? Tricky thing remembering sometimes.. ;)

derrida derider
derrida derider
13 years ago

I dunno about that, Nic – if Dr Hewson had won he would beyond doubt have been only a one-term PM. We might have ended up with a better designed GST than we have, but that’s about it. And we would have missed out on a lot of the very valuable things PJK’s government did.

Certainly I reckon we would have been run by the big business lobbies even more than we are now. Hewson never saw a merchant banker he didn’t like.

Don Arthur
13 years ago

Nicholas – I often wonder what would have happened if Kim Beazley had beaten John Howard in 1998.

I’m pretty sure he would have taken Australia into the war in Iraq. But what effect would that have had on Australian politics?

13 years ago

On climate change he was against a carbon tax/ETS and then for it and then against it.

He is against it, you know it, I know it. Sometimes the language changes (you might have to watch for the wink).

Don Arthur
13 years ago

Nicholas – Do you think Beazley’s position on the war would have been different from Tony Blair’s?

Don Arthur
13 years ago

Why do you say that Beazley lacked guts?

Don Arthur
13 years ago

It sounds like you’re saying Beazley wasn’t opportunistic enough to succeed.

Don Arthur
13 years ago

I never formed a strong impression of Kim Beazley.

I remember being surprised at the way the Prime Ministership changed perceptions of John Howard. I didn’t get the impression it changed John Howard much, but once he was PM his supporters raved about how strong and capable he was and his opponents how devious and cunning.

I wondered whether something similar might have happened if Beazley had become PM.