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13 years ago

It was/is beautiful.

13 years ago

Idiotic, like the entire show.

Peter Patton
Peter Patton
13 years ago

That latest was unforgivable.

13 years ago

This has completely demolished Monckton’s credibility in one stroke. Brilliant. The ridiculous appearance alone is enough to terminate this AGW scepticism rubbish. If denialists were really serious surely they should have chosen someone who didn’t look so quite so stupid as a front man. Part of the problem with mankind’s attempt to deal with denialism has been to take it seriously. The weapon of ridicule can be extremely effective, and fortunately the denialists themselves have given us a free kick. Keep Monckton coming – he’s easily our best ally.

13 years ago

What a crazy looking guy! Well done Chaser Boys for exposing how funny he looks. And he has an accent – that’s the icing on the cake!

Stephen Hill
Stephen Hill
13 years ago

The John Stewart show also has a good piece skewering the anti-science element of the climate change debate, linking in to the lack of reporting of Richard Muller’s recanting of climate change scepticism.

Thomas the Tout
Thomas the Tout
13 years ago

Heck, I have not seen anything this funny since Mark Trevorrow lampooned Pauline Hanson. Keep up the good work Nicholas: the more you can show how out-of-touch these wing-nuts are, the sooner the world will live in harmony

Abu Chowdah
Abu Chowdah
13 years ago

What next, accusing Noel Pearson of being in blackface?

These chaser morons have exposed the hypocrisy of the left. There are no limits when comedy is fuelled by hate.

13 years ago

I recognise Sacha. But who are these other comedians?

13 years ago

Without Sacha to bring a bit of a smile at the start of it, its really very weak humour. Its all about Nick’s incapacity to listen to reason and science. He simply will not listen. So therefore we get catastrophes like the stimulus, and more national disasters like the carbon tax