Hard to believe we have a share of the global film industry revenue which is about a fifth of the revenue of the US industry. Anyway, it’s a cute graphic.
Hard to believe we have a share of the global film industry revenue which is about a fifth of the revenue of the US industry. Anyway, it’s a cute graphic.
<10% is not nearly a fifth of >40%
If I read the graph correctly, it is telling us that fewer than one dollar in ten is being spent on ‘domestic’ films in Australia, compared to over 4 dollars in ten for the US (home of Hollywood), India (home of Bollywood) and Japan (home of manga etc etc). Not sure what Canada’s secret is though.
That makes sense.
Would think that the predominance of domestic film-makers in China is a facet of its wider insular nature??
Also on China, perhaps it reflects a greater tendency to access non-domestic fillums via the torrent.
Zoot (and possibly AlanJae),
the bit that I was puzzled about was the revenue going to the Australian film industry. That’s pretty different to its domestic box office which is what zoot is pointing to.
I think the secret to Australia’s high contribution to box office revenue is our sky-high ticket prices at cinemas.
Either that, or the map-makers simply forget to alter Australia and New Zealand in the map (we do look suspiciously neat).
Another, small factor just might be that the Chinese tend to speak chinese.
The UK and Australia are both given as <10% but the UK is drawn on the map as proportionally almost as big as japan (and bigger than France). The figures and the graphical drawing of size seem to be out of alignment .
I missed that it is also a graph of total box office revenue ..looking at the size of the UK , it must have proportionally lot more movie house goers than most other comparable countries, any idea why?