Accountant wanted

This year my accountant got sent accounts which as far as I could see involved writing the totals of a spreadsheet into the tax return and pressing ‘send’. OK, it might have been a bit more than that, I don’t really know, but what bugs me is that the documents she got indicated something like an $8,000 refund and when she drafted the return it had a near zero refund. Was this because she had a better grasp of the tax applicable? No it was because she didn’t transcribe the numbers properly.

For this I got charged $866.25 and that was for my personal return. There’s also the company . . .  In any event, I’m after a new accountant. I don’t want or need anything fancy. Someone who is reasonably diligent and preferably someone who has some ideas from time to time about structuring a small business. If they come from Melbourne that’s well and good, but it’s by no means essential – we have post and email these days, and the person who does the books is in Queensland.

If you’ve got an accountant who’s Just Great, please let me know either in comments or by email on n g r u e n  AT g m a i l DOT c o m


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12 years ago

Why do you hate social justice so much Nick? You should be happy that $8000 extra is going to the needy of Australia.

paul walter
paul walter
11 years ago
Reply to  Nicholas Gruen


paul walter
paul walter
11 years ago

Is manifest pain just icing on the cake?