In case you missed it – A really great Woody Allen doco
The ABC has broadcast a two part doco on Woody Allen's life which I really loved. He's a remarkable person, and just keeps churning out...
Neoliberalism stole my teleporter, says Graeber
The 21st was supposed to be the age of flying cars, teleporters and affordable space travel, says David Graeber. But now here we are in...
NT Intervention and “Stronger Futures”: an evaluation after 5 years
Amidst all the kerfuffle about asylum seeker policy over the last week, it probably escaped most people's attention that the Gillard government's Orwellian Newspeak-rebadged version...
Abbott’s hypocrisy on asylum seekers
The Coalition is engaged in further hypocrisy. 1. The Coalition (both under Howard and more recently through Morrison’s own words) has supported Nairu as an...