Some reform ideas

One of Australia’s more enterprising journalists, Michael Short asked me to feature ‘In The Zone’ in the Age a media ‘package’ he developed and curates for The Age and the SMH. One does a fairly lengthy interview and a short video and then he writes it up for the paper and the transcript is also published on the website. I had thought that the video would be a set of questions as prompts which would then be edited into a package. No such luck. When we got into the studio I was supposed to introduce myself, say I was in the Zone and then speak for a couple of minutes about what I’m about. This was a tricky business. Anyway, I was pleased with the interview the transcript of which you may find of interest.

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john r walker
12 years ago

Nicholas good stuff!

Ian Verrender today reports some research on productivity That might be relevant.

Suggest that our approach to selecting and training managers might be too narrow,too specialised and too self reinforcing.

“I am worried that people with an inadequate knowledge of the history and literature of their culture will ultimately become entirely self-referential, like science fiction’s most telling symbol, the happy fool who lives in the one dimensional world of pointland, and thinks he knows everything because he forms his entire universe.”

“I can’t do much with a student that doesn’t know multivariate statistics and the logic of natural selection; but I cannot make a good scientist – though I can forge an adequate technocrat – from a person who never reads beyond the professional journals of his own field”

Steven J Gould