The platform this is from has an ’embed’ function but WordPress has it’s own, which, unless you’re as clever as Jacques means you can’t embed anything other than those sites they have programmed for. In any event you can click here.
The platform this is from has an ’embed’ function but WordPress has it’s own, which, unless you’re as clever as Jacques means you can’t embed anything other than those sites they have programmed for. In any event you can click here.
I don’t want to download too many things on my computer so this is one of the most amazing chess games I’ll never see. Why not just give us the moves?
You don’t have to download anything. You just click on the link and go to another website where the game will be played through for you – complete with computer analysis of the main line and the 4 best alternative moves.
Clear as mud.
Does it have a “Kittens/ Dalek” function?