What to ask the PM?

Stepping out in her new role for the Guardian, Katharine Murphy contacted me and asked me for an economic question to put to the PM. It was nice of her to ask, and I thought it a worthy challenge, but couldn’t really come up with much for a day or so. I didn’t want it to be a typical ‘gotcha’ question, and I wanted it to draw out the PM. I would have liked to have held a Troppo comp on it – now that the Mercedes sports has been repaired from its heartbreaking plunge down the Burj Khalifa during the Dubai Grand Prix. But Katherine wanted not to do that which is understandable. So I provided the question which is below the fold which she was very happy with.

I’d naturally be interested in Troppodillians’ ideas of what a good question would be, though obviously the prize will be much less valuable – In this case an afternoon with the Troppo FJ HotRod “Rooter” for thirty doughies at Calder Skidpan.  

Political leaders generally have to present themselves as decisive and resolute and their policies as the right ones.  However they must often make difficult decisions, not just because they must balance the needs of different constituencies but also because it is difficult to know what the best decision is.

What decisions have you made on your government’s/party’s economic policy in the last year that you’ve found most difficult on the merits? What did you find difficult about them and why did you come out where you did?

The PM didn’t miss a beat as you can see here. She also gives a good account of herself in responding to Julian Morrow’s question – which in spirit at least was not a million miles from mine – which is to say an open one.


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Paul Frijters
Paul Frijters
11 years ago

What to ask the PM? Hmmm. The most important economic decision of her reign was right at the start (the negotiations with the big foreign mining companies), so the obvious question in terms of the future would be ‘Could we expect you in a new term to re-negotiate with the miners, and what would you do differently?’.

11 years ago

do you regret getting into bed with the independants to govern? what would you have done differently had you been able to govern in your own right?
( no spin just the truth)

paul walter
paul walter
11 years ago

I’d get her to ask if the unstinting negativity of the Opposition could be having a deleterious affect on the economy and if it is an example of “whatever it takes” politics in our era.
The impression I have of Murphy is that this is the LAST question she’d be likely to ask, btw.

11 years ago

Since you have said you don’t support a ‘big Australia’ how would you approach ‘limits to growth’ and reconcile your Labor government’s claim to be “all about jobs”?

Rex R
Rex R
11 years ago

A good question Nicholas. I would would have couched it slightly differently though. for example:
If laws are like sausages, in that its best not to see them being made, then what is your equivalent of the cheese kransky, do they make you feel ill after consumption, and is that really cheese or something more disgusting?

derrida derider
derrida derider
11 years ago
Reply to  Nicholas Gruen

Then its just as well the Rooter is a Holden not a Falcon.