Double Bleg: Great Accountant and Dentist needed

Well here we are at the beginning of another year trying to get things in order. And I’ve got two bits of spring cleaning (OK so seasonal metaphors are dominated by northern hemisphere geography – I guess I’m doing summer cleaning).

Having been slack in not having my checkup for a long time, the local dentist discovered about four pieces of ‘work’ I need done. I’m after a dentist who someone thinks is Great, for a second opinion and to do whatever work remains after that second opinion.

Also I’m trying to find a good accountant – as I told you a couple of years ago – and then the tax deadline snuck up on me and I couldn’t do the transfer. So I’m open for suggestions – either below or by email on ngruen at gmail.

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Oliver Bock
Oliver Bock
11 years ago

There are some great dental clinics in Thailand, and if the work is serious then the cost difference will pay for flights and a nice holiday.

murph the surf.
murph the surf.
11 years ago
Reply to  Oliver Bock

Just bear in mind the risk from antibiotic resistant bugs is far far greater in any other country in Asia than Australia.
And I would guess that dental work of complexity would be done at one of the main hospitals.
I say that without any great love of the dental profession who in major metropolitans charge by the postcode.

paul walter
paul walter
11 years ago

“Workplace flexibility” ..
Since both professions are into ruthless and painful extractions at a high cost in terms of later suffering for the subject.. let’s consider the next level, interchangeability, since either way the result is mordant for members of the public,

11 years ago

Maria Guida on Swanston Street in Melbourne is pretty good.

I base that on her never having done any work on my teeth other than check ups after many years of having seen her.

I have no idea if she’s great. All I know is that she won’t put a filling in your mouth if it’s not necessary.

She’s also talkative. I like that in a dentist. Funnily enough, I don’t like that in a doctor.