Are we nearly there yet?

And the US has had better growth than Japan or Europe!

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10 years ago

No — Correcting for population growth and demographics gets to quite a different story:

paul frijters
paul frijters
10 years ago

yes, with a population increasing about 2.5 million per year, you need to look at percentages, not numbers. The labour force participation figures conrad linked to make it look like there has been no recovery in jobs at all in the US. Maybe there is some movement in the types of jobs though (part-time/ full-time).

murph the surf.
murph the surf.
10 years ago

Is the strategy announced by the ECB and Mr Draghi a turning point, a recognition that growth has stalled in major economies and we can now watch some asset prices (in a few small markets only ) balloon as some of the central banks fight against deflation with unlimited QE?
Is there any sign that various sectors of the economy’s
debt is dragging on growth and if deflation gets some momentum what will this do for debt repayments?