You may notice that I have changed the masthead motto, which until now read “the suppository of centrist wisdom since 2012”. It was a somewhat snide and gratuitous reference to a Tony Abbott malapropism uttered in the leadup to the 2013 federal election (and pretty much on a par with Julia Gillard’s earlier “hyperbowl” classic).
However, sneering at them is not really compatible with the generous, warm-hearted spirit for which we here at Troppo aka the Pymble Pony Club are justly famous. Consequently, the motto I’ve now inserted is more self-effacing and faux-humble. I’m sure you can do better. Accordingly we’re offering a fabulous mystery prize pack to anyone who can suggest an appropriate more permanent masthead motto encapsulating one or more of Troppo’s many wonderful qualities. We can probably even feature a number of entries if we re-implement the “quotes collection” plugin still lurking in the Troppo backend.
going troppo from well reasoned discussion
It’s good to see this used-to-be venerable old blog restoring some dignity. When I complained of that sneering motto not long ago, Nick blamed (he didn’t use that word) Jacques Chester. We now find out above that it’s still Ken Parish’s blog and that he’s taking responsibility for the motto. Unlike Nick, he does admit that it was just a tired sneer at Tony Abbott.
Club Troppo – A necessary shift in the balance between insight and obscurity.
Club Troppo – Unfair and unbalanced, but at least we’re trying.
I liked the spirit of old ‘aggressive centrist’
“Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful.”
Club Troppo
Because you can’t say enough in a ten-word slogan.
Club Troppo
Because you can’t make an intelligent point in ten words.
Club Troppo
Because insight needs more than seven words.
OK, I’ll stop now.
Troppo : which has no enemies — except, indeed, all the Whigs, all the Tories, and all the Christians.
“Occasionally interesting (except for the chess…)”
Cruel – but fair :(
This will sound familiar:
Politics, economics, law and life from a ‘radical centrist’ perspective
Politics, economics, law and life from a
‘radical centrist’perspectivePolitics, economics, law and life from a ‘chardonnay socialst’ perspective
Escaping the manacles of ideology like a small man with a club inside a wet paper bag in a dark room. Since 2005.
Club Troppo – Ozblogistan’s leading identity crisis
Why not something in the spirit of Fiat justitia ruat caelum, or perhaps to paraphrase Socrates, To seek in others, right or wrong, the answers we cannot find in ourselves.
Putting the right into wrong, the left into right since 200?;
Insightful, thoughtful, cheeky, erudite, and … chess;
Want an imaginary luxury car? Join the conversation!
I like that, Putting Right Into Wrong, and Left into Right, very good. Reminds me of a line from the Red Gum song Red Raggin ” We took some right turns, they were the wrong ones”
Club Troppo
It’s not that simp…no, if you’d just listen to…but there are no easy answ…can I just fini…nothing’s black and wh…I’m going back to drinking.
Club Troppo
where we agree to disagree.
Well, as you can see from our reconstituted Random Quotes widget in the masthead, nearly everyone’s a winner in the Troppo motto contest! Even that smartarse Dave who reckons you only ever win imaginary cars in contests here at Troppo. That’s certainly not the case this time. In fact the mystery prize(s) is a free trip to St Kilda on the tram. I’ll loan you my spare Myki card. We might even shout you a burger at our favourite budget gourmet bistro Barney Allen’s in Fitzroy Street. There’s only one hitch. You will have to be in Melbourne during January when Jen and I will be there.
Troppo: non troppo a sinistra, non troppo a destra
Club Troppo
Parish pump politics gruened each day
When I was working for Sen Button, someone began a limerick about me which began.
Sadly it never got finished, though the Troppo Merc could come in handy if we want to host a comp to finish it.
too apt to digress
on the topic of chess
his detractors would ask “what you doin’?”
Thanks – I worked out a version of a completed limerick myself, but it wasn’t as good as the beginning and didn’t record it.
Well now you’ve got a crap effort that has been recorded for posterity!
Is that an improvement?
How Gruen is your valley of thought? Parish the thought!